Help my sister with a boy name?

Hi Nameberries!

I don’t think I had the time to come back and report when “[name]Eric[/name] [name]Charles[/name]” was born, we were so busy with the new baby and then our move to France. I am loving the name [name]Eric[/name] because it suits him perfectly and no matter where we go in America or Europe everyone knows the name. It makes life as easy as his quick smile.

Also in that timeframe my sister lost her little girl, [name]Veronica[/name], at 16 months old, to a rare genetic disease. It’s been a really hard year.

My sister is now pregnant again, with pre-implantation genetic screening and just got the amnio results back this week - we’re sure the little boy she’s carrying will not be affected with [name]Veronica[/name]'s disease. Now my sister can relax and finally consider names. Yippee! We’re expecting the little guy early [name]March[/name].

I had sent her a list of names that are said to mean “God’s gift” or “miracle” and of that list she likes [name]Evan[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] but it hasn’t stuck. Had [name]Veronica[/name] been a boy he would have been the family names [name]Edward[/name] [name]Alan[/name] (which she has said is no longer on the table, but parts could be used). Other family names include [name]Douglas[/name], [name]Thomas[/name], [name]Marc[/name]/[name]Mark[/name], [name]Paul[/name], [name]Alexander[/name] (used already this generation), I like [name]Garett[/name] for our mother [name]Margaret[/name], the dad’s mother is named [name]Lisa[/name] but I don’t see how to make that a boy name. I know she’s considering [name]Philip[/name] and Oliver.

She likes the idea of including a V in the name, for [name]Veronica[/name] (Oliver) or some other part (Nicholas). Like [name]Veronica[/name]'s name she likes ‘classic but not common’ for names.

Oh wise namers, what might be some suggestions I could send her?

What a journey-- it would be wonderful to find a name to incorporate the lost little one, the sense of healing, and to honor family as well.

Names meaning “gift of God:”

[name]Matthew[/name], [name]Matthias[/name]
[name]Nathan[/name], [name]Nathaniel[/name]
[name]Donato[/name] / [name]Donatello[/name]
[name]Theodore[/name] / [name]Teodoro[/name] / [name]Fyodor[/name]
[name]Shiloh[/name] (“his gift”)
[name]Tudor[/name] (the Tudors take their name from [name]Theodore[/name])

Names that mean “healing:”

[name]Valerian[/name] (V name; means “strong and healthy”)
[name]Valentine[/name] (same)

Names with Vs:


Family names:
[name]Marc[/name] / [name]Marcus[/name] / [name]Mark[/name]
[name]Elias[/name] (for grandmother [name]Lisa[/name])

I’m assuming from her name choices in the past that she’s Catholic? What would she think about:

[name]Raphael[/name] [name]Victor[/name] [name]Elias[/name] (“God heals,” “victorious,” “the [name]Lord[/name] is my God” honoring GMA [name]Lisa[/name])
[name]Matthew[/name] [name]Valerian[/name] [name]Paul[/name] (“gift of God,” “healthy and strong,” honoring St [name]Paul[/name] & [name]Paul[/name] the relative)
[name]Xavier[/name] [name]Marcus[/name] [name]Blaise[/name] (St [name]Xavier[/name] with hidden V, relative [name]Mark[/name], [name]Blaise[/name]- patron saint of healing)

If she liked the sound of [name]Evan[/name] [name]Bennett[/name], maybe she would like [name]Everett[/name]?

She’s not Catholic, actually she’s a professional photographer! :slight_smile:

[name]Elias[/name] is a great choice for [name]Lisa[/name], should the little guy be named for his two grandmas he’d be [name]Elias[/name] [name]Garett[/name], which is a nice name.

I love the meaning of [name]Valerian[/name]. I think it would pair really well with the more traditional names, as you suggest [name]Matthew[/name] [name]Valerian[/name]. I love [name]Raphael[/name], but their last name is three syllables and starts with R so that wouldn’t work well.

[name]Everett[/name] is a logical choice, to me it’s a [name]Boston[/name] suburb, so I just need to keep my mouth shut. :slight_smile:

Thank you for these suggestions, and we’d welcome any others!

She’s not Catholic, actually she’s a professional photographer! :slight_smile:

[name]Elias[/name] is a great choice for [name]Lisa[/name], should the little guy be named for his two grandmas he’d be [name]Elias[/name] [name]Garett[/name], which is a nice name.

I love the meaning of [name]Valerian[/name]. I think it would pair really well with the more traditional names, as you suggest [name]Matthew[/name] [name]Valerian[/name]. I love [name]Raphael[/name], but their last name is three syllables and starts with R so that wouldn’t work well.

[name]Everett[/name] is a logical choice, to me it’s a [name]Boston[/name] suburb, so I just need to keep my mouth shut. :slight_smile:

Thank you for these suggestions, and we’d welcome any others!

More thoughts-- maybe she’d like [name]Raphael[/name] in the middle spot (that should be fine with her last name):

[name]Denver[/name] [name]Raphael[/name]
[name]Devin[/name] [name]Raphael[/name]
[name]Davis[/name] [name]Raphael[/name] [all V names]

[name]Theodore[/name] [name]Devlin[/name]
[name]Vincent[/name] [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Matthias[/name] [name]Vaughn[/name]
[name]Vincent[/name] [name]Shai[/name]
[name]Tavish[/name] [name]Paul[/name]
[name]Marcus[/name] [name]Valerian[/name]
[name]Theodore[/name] [name]Vance[/name]
[name]Levi[/name] [name]Blaise[/name]

Her MIL suggested family name [name]Johannes[
ame] ([name]Hans[
ame]) but she says that’s too “out there” for her.

We were chatting online late into the night last night - she is leaning towards [name]Thomas[
ame] in the middle spot, and her husband likes that idea. [name]Elias[
ame] is out because (and I knew but forgot this) her BFF has a newborn named [name]Ellis[
ame]. In addition this friend regrets the choice because people think she’s saying [name]Alice[

We like [name]Edward[
ame] [name]Thomas[
ame] (nn [name]Eddie[
ame] or [name]Eddy[
ame]) but she misses the ‘V’. There is a famous [name]Philip[
ame] [name]Edward[
ame] [name]Thomas[
ame] born March 3. Since she’s due March 6 we decided that if he arrives on the 3rd it’s a sign to use that name. :slight_smile:
She likes [name]Oliver[
ame] [name]Thomas[
ame] but he’s a corrupt politician.

Names are so important and not at all easy!

In the meantime we’re calling him [name]Norm[
ame], since we’re praying for all to continue to be Normal.

You are right that is it an ‘outlier’ classic name.

The names we’re discussing right now are:

[name]Edward[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]


[name]Frederick[/name] [name]Douglas[/name]

The latter was my/our great-great-grand father’s name, and yes, the family was noted abolitionists so I don’t think the name was random. He went by F. [name]Douglas[/name], but since this little guy’s dad is [name]Doug[/name] he’d probably be [name]Eddie[/name] either way.

I note that [name]Sidney[/name] is on your list. The [name]Paul[/name] on ours was her favorite relative, and his middle was [name]Sidney[/name], so maybe we should bump that.

I am super wary of [name]Edward[/name] for fear of the Twilight effect.

What about [name]Frederick[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]?

Other v options:

[name]Evan[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]
[name]Calvin[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]
[name]Levi[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]

Also, [name]Emmett[/name] has a similar meaning to [name]Veronica[/name]–truth

I’m not usually one to jump in with comments about nn’s. But I think [name]Freddie[/name] is about as cute as can be for a little one.