Help! No names are sticking

I have a soft spot for [name]Hazel[/name]. When I was pregnant with [name]Ruby[/name], DH and I were out to eat and close to us was another couple with one of the cutest toddlers I’ve ever seen. We found out her name was [name]Hazel[/name] and I just thought to myself “[name]How[/name] awesome it is that [name]Ruby[/name] will have friends named [name]Hazel[/name]! What a great set!”. DH, however, does not share my fondness.

I like but DH does not: [name]Greta[/name], [name]Stella[/name], [name]Molly[/name], [name]Hazel[/name], and [name]Elise[/name] (not too close to [name]Eloise[/name] in our opinion)

[name]Both[/name] are liking [name]Brielle[/name]/[name]Briella[/name] which led us to liking [name]Elle[/name].

Ok, the list is looking like this now:
Agnellina (sooooo not ready to let go of this)

I like [name]Aurora[/name] and [name]Emma[/name].

[name]Ruby[/name] is cute. Girl names that would pair nicely and stand on their own would be

[name]Katherine[/name] nn. [name]Kitty[/name] or [name]Kit[/name].
[name]Elliott[/name] (love for a girl.)

I like [name]Everly[/name]! But DH does not. We are both intrigued with [name]Fiona[/name] though (although my cousin has a dog named [name]Fiona[/name] and we see them often…hmm)

Agnellina: the thing with this name is that I feel people would say it [name]Angelina[/name] if they read it too quickly. If you like the meaning aspect of it, Wikipedia has a whole page of variants on the name [name]Agnes[/name]. My favorite is [name]Ines[/name]/[name]Inez[/name]. If you like the sound, try [name]Agate[/name]. Or simply [name]Agnes[/name] is gorgeous on its own, nn [name]Aggie[/name].

I’m glad you like [name]Elle[/name]…just beware that since [name]Ella[/name] is a really popular name, that also might be confused in school. If there are several Ellas in her class, [name]Elle[/name] might often get called [name]Ella[/name]. (ie, three Michaelas go to my church. Two spell it [name]Michaela[/name], I spell it [name]Michaila[/name]. They always spell my name [name]Michaela[/name]. If it’s not a big deal, then don’t worry about it, but that’s my only caution with [name]Elle[/name])

haili73: Thanks for the additional thoughts! I hear you on the spellings…my name is [name]Theresa[/name] but usually is, initially, spelled [name]Teresa[/name]. Not a huge deal but a bit of an irritant. The thing with the actual name Agnellina is that it was the nickname of one of my patron saints, so it has particular meaning to me. I actually don’t like the name [name]Agnes[/name] at all but because of Agnellina’s resemblance to [name]Angelina[/name] and it’s personal meaning, I have become very fond of it.

My favorite from your list is [name]Nadia[/name], but I also really like [name]Margo[/name].

Some others if you’re not sick of “options”


[name]Gwen[/name]!!! I really like that name and I think it fits well with [name]Ruby[/name]. [name]Ruby[/name] and [name]Gwen[/name]… they sound like sisters!

Oh wait… I just noticed the new list lol

Um, none on the new list really have the exact same style as [name]Ruby[/name] (not a negative thing really), but I do like a few of them: [name]Nadia[/name], [name]Elle[/name] and [name]Natalia[/name] in particular.

[name]Ruby[/name] and [name]Elle[/name] sound cute.

Sorry for any repeats…[name]How[/name] about…

[name]Josie[/name] ([name]Jocelyn[/name] if you prefer [name]Josie[/name] as a nick name)
[name]Seeley[/name] (means blessed/happy)
Panda ([name]Pandora[/name])
[name]Era[/name] or [name]Ara[/name]
[name]Wendy[/name] ([name]Both[/name] [name]Wendy[/name] and [name]Moira[/name] make me think of [name]Peter[/name] [name]Pan[/name] and eternal youth. :heart:)
[name]Wisteria[/name] (Call her Wish for short)
[name]Esmeralda[/name] ([name]Esme[/name], for short)

Ooooh I like so many of those! [name]Love[/name] [name]Pia[/name], [name]Wendy[/name], and [name]Annika[/name] but DH does not (he said he’d like [name]Pia[/name] as a nn for something but we can’t agree on a longer name for it, so it’s been scratched).

Thanks to all of these wonderful suggestions and thoughts, our final list is down to two (with mns):
[name]Chiara[/name] [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name]
[name]Nadia[/name] [name]Isabella[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name]

Which is your favorite and why?

Edited for privacy.

[name]Nadia[/name] seems to be getting a lot of votes :slight_smile:

[name]Both[/name] are pretty meaningful to us so they are still equal. What’s tipping me towards [name]Chiara[/name] is that I’ve loved it for a while (like 8 years, but who’s counting!) and seen some friends “steal” it from me. I really wanted to name [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Chiara[/name] but realized that just wasn’t her name. I worry about losing [name]Chiara[/name] forever! That being said, I love [name]Nadia[/name] for the reasons you listed above. [name]Even[/name] though it’s a little more cumbersome, we’d probably still use [name]Isabella[/name] with [name]Nadia[/name] instead of [name]Isabelle[/name] because it is the mn of our other sister and we used the first sister’s mn as one of [name]Ruby[/name]'s mns ([name]Anastasia[/name]) so we don’t want to leave the last one out. But, I do like [name]Nadia[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name] better…

Thanks for the thoughts!

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I [name]LOVE[/name] the [name]Christmas[/name] tune reference! I always thought it was so cool that my mom’s name was in a [name]Christmas[/name] carol. In fact, I’ve suggested that combo to DH before and he’s a little less enthusiastic lol. But now the [name]Chiara[/name] combos will be between [name]Chiara[/name] [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name] and [name]Chiara[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name] [name]Isabella[/name]. Thanks!

Edited for privacy.

I really like [name]Chiara[/name]. It’s pretty and unexpected yet I know how to pronounce it without looking it up :slight_smile: I really like [name]Chiara[/name] [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name], but agree that it is a bit difficult to pronounce. I don’t see why you can’t use “[name]Isabelle[/name]” to honour an “[name]Isabella[/name]” -I’m sure she would understand that the -a got switched to an -e for flow purposes. It’s not that much of a stretch. [name]Nadia[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name] is quite pretty as is [name]Chiara[/name] [name]Jeannette[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name]/a.