Help please

I need help with a boy name. I’m 33.5 weeks pregnant and I’m beginning to feel pressure now to figure this out. We’ve been through a few names during this pregnancy…[name]Abel[/name], [name]Abram[/name], [name]Oren[/name], [name]Felix[/name], [name]Dexter[/name]. We have finally “settled” on [name]Finley[/name]. I do really like [name]Finley[/name], and love the nickname [name]Finn[/name], but I’m starting to worry that it’s getting too common and I keep seeing more and more postings about it going to the girls. Ugh. So now I’m unconvinced again. My daughter’s name is [name]Gretel[/name] and I absolutely love her name and love how uncommon it is. I’m just having such a hard time finding boy names that are similar in style and popularity to hers. Boys are so hard!

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Naming style is obviously not trendy, but somewhat of a quirky traditional. Middle name will be [name]James[/name]. Last name is a Mc. Thanks!

I love the name [name]Abram[/name]/Abrahm if that is any help…

[name]Just[/name] a warning that there may be some teasing due to “[name]Finn[/name] McCool,” a legendary giant of Irish folklore, due to your Mc last name. There is a national chain of Irish Pubs by the name “[name]Finn[/name] McCool’s.” It may be a stretch (not sure if your last name is at all similar), but kids can be pretty creative when it comes to teasing. Other than that I think [name]Finley[/name] [name]James[/name] is a really cute choice with sister [name]Gretel[/name].

Thanks for the feedback. I’m not too worried about the [name]Finn[/name] McCool association. Our name isn’t that similar and I guess I don’t think it’s that bad of a thing to tease about anyway. [name]Gretel[/name] will forever be teased because of the fairytale…and of course EVERYONE asks if I’m going to name this boy [name]Hansel[/name]. Whatever. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I love the name and that’s what’s important. However, do any of you think [name]Finley[/name] is too girly given the new trend of girls using it? [name]Even[/name] though I love the name now, I don’t want my son to have a trendy girl name…

I haven’t heard of any girls called [name]Finley[/name]! It mustn’t be very common among girls here, but I’m in NZ so that probably doesn’t help you…I think [name]Finley[/name] [name]James[/name] sounds nice. If [name]Finley[/name] is really common for girls where you’re from, there’s always [name]Flynn[/name]? [name]Gretel[/name] and [name]Flynn[/name] sounds so cute!

Well I’m not sure about what the stats say… I’ve definitely heard [name]Finley[/name]/[name]Finlay[/name] for boys and girls - (in abstract manners mind you, such as maybe these message boards, TV, etc… )
In life, I’ve met a boy [name]Finn[/name], and a friend taught swimming to a [name]Finnegan[/name] (obv. male!).

[name]Gretel[/name] and brother…
[name]Kieran[/name] - [name]Ciaran[/name]
[name]Killian[/name] / [name]Cillian[/name]
[name]Neil[/name] / [name]Niall[/name]
[name]Seamus[/name] ([name]James[/name])

I like [name]Finley[/name], but it does seem to be making headway on the girls side. Are there stats on here that you can check to see how many girls vs boys were named [name]Finley[/name] last year?

Sometimes I wonder if there will be any boys names left to the boys.

I do like the idea of [name]Flynn[/name].

Yes, it was 722 or something around there on the boys charts and 5 hundred something on the girls charts. Obviously it’s not that high yet to be a problem, but I’m wondering if it is on the rise and will become super popular in the next few years. I guess there’s really no way of knowing for sure…

I’m in my third trimester too! Naming boys is harder than naming girls I think.

If you want your son to have as unusual of a name as your daughter, I don’t know if you’ll be happy with a [name]Finn[/name]* name. [name]Gretel[/name] has a unique but familiar sound. I do think [name]Finley[/name] sounds a little unisex. Somehow, even though [name]Finn[/name] names don’t have wide popularity numbers, they seem much more trendy than [name]Gretel[/name]. Maybe that’s because I’ve never met a [name]Finley[/name]? Personally, I would consider more masculine versions like [name]Finn[/name] or [name]Finian[/name]/[name]Finnian[/name]?

[name]Abel[/name] - love but maybe too close to [name]Gretel[/name] or [name]Hansel[/name]
[name]Abram[/name] - OK
[name]Oren[/name] - Sure, but a little further “out there” than [name]Gretel[/name], sounds similarly Old World.
[name]Felix[/name] - OK
[name]Dexter[/name] - My favorite on your list! Sounds great with your daughter’s name, but a unique personality. A colleague has this name which is my biggest deterrent from using it myself.

Katespin-- You totally nailed it. I’m with you on all counts. I don’t know that I have a favorite name of the bunch I listed (I forgot to mention that [name]Orson[/name] is in the mix, too, probably more seriously now than [name]Oren[/name]), but I agree that [name]Dexter[/name] (or [name]Felix[/name]) is the best pair with [name]Gretel[/name]. Unfortunately, [name]Dexter[/name] isn’t my husband’s favorite. He is sick of me bothering him about names enough now though, that he has said it’s fine. He says he likes it and that’s good enough…it doesn’t have to be his favorite and he’s okay with that. Really!? Now what do I do?! I think I like [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Dexter[/name] equally, but I do like the nn [name]Dex[/name] and wish [name]Felix[/name] had a good one, too. Ugh. Enough rambling from me. Anyway, thanks for understanding! :slight_smile:


Our husbands sound similar. I bet he will like whatever you guys end up choosing once the baby is there. When I ask my husband what he would like to call a son he says “his name!”

Also, [name]Orson[/name] is ok and good with [name]Gretel[/name]. Maybe [name]Felix[/name] wouldn’t need a nickname? It’s not so long. [name]Fee[/name]? Ix? [name]Phil[/name]?

PP suggestion of [name]Phil[/name] as a nn for [name]Felix[/name] gave me the idea of [name]Flip[/name] - it’s used as a fun nn for [name]Phillip[/name] but has the f, l and i of [name]Felix[/name]. Much better than [name]Fee[/name] (for a boy)! Actually I quite like this idea - I hope you do too!