HELP! Stuck for names for twin girls to go with Winter

We have a 3 year old girl called [name]Winter[/name] and have twin girls due at the beginning of [name]April[/name]. The other half is useless at suggesting names so it’s all down to me and I need some help…

I like unusual names but not too crazy… I also wanted the three names to go together without it being too ‘themed’.

I did like [name]April[/name] and [name]Aries[/name] but I’ve sort of talked myself out of [name]April[/name] because it’s a bit ‘normal’ and the other problem is our surname begins with A which might make it sound a bit funny?

So I was thinking of [name]Rain[/name] as a possibility. I also like [name]Tuesday[/name] - but this is only possible if she arrives on that day - other days of the week I’m not sure about. Another name on the list is [name]Holiday[/name]. I also had [name]Easter[/name] but again it sounded a bit funny with surname starting with A. Other contenders are [name]Blue[/name], [name]Blossom[/name], [name]Bluebell[/name], Dew.

So as you can see I like ‘calender/thing’ type names but then don’t want it to be too theme-y. I’ve looked through countless lists and not overly keen on [name]Day[/name], [name]Evening[/name], [name]Morning[/name], [name]Midnight[/name] etc.

Please help!! What do you think of the names I mentioned and any other suggestions would be great.

[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Tamsin[/name]
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Waverly[/name]
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Eira[/name]
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Elula[/name]
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Ghislaine[/name]
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Matilda[/name]
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Clementine[/name]
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Jemima[/name]

[name]Winter[/name] is pretty! I think it’s a delicate balance of finding a name that fits your distinctive taste and feels stylistically similar to [name]Winter[/name] without being so themey you’re locked in for future children or risk getting eye rolls (unless you’re very thick skinned).

[name]April[/name] - lovely name, I don’t think it’s really that common these days, probably sounds OK with an A last name honestly. But I see how matching a twin’s name to [name]April[/name] (and [name]Winter[/name]) is tough!

[name]Aries[/name] - I’m glad you’re leaning against this maybe, to me this rings very very masculine.

[name]Rain[/name] - [name]Winter[/name] and [name]Rain[/name] are tough together as sisters, to me, honestly.

[name]Tuesday[/name] could be good, although it begs the question who is the sister if she is born on the same day?

[name]Holiday[/name] is lovely! However [name]Winter[/name] [name]Holiday[/name] is such a common phrase it’s getting a little tough.

[name]Easter[/name] I quite like although the ending is the same as [name]Winter[/name], and I agree [name]Easter[/name] A might be getting close to [name]Easter[/name] Egg.

[name]Bluebell[/name] I’m afraid rings very cowish to me. Maybe if you’re not in the US this isn’t as strong.

[name]Blue[/name] is [name]Beyonce[/name]'s baby to me, and too close to “blew” for my taste.

Dew is way too close to “do” and “dewy lips”, “doo doo”. Pretty imagery but way too much.

[name]Blossom[/name] I kind of like. It makes me think very much of the TV show. And you know, when girls go through puberty, people talk about them “blossoming”. Still, it might work. I know someone with this name and it seems fine for her.

So of the ones you’ve listed, [name]Winter[/name], [name]April[/name], and [name]Blossom[/name] would be my top pick. [name]April[/name] and [name]Blossom[/name] get tied to each other too by the images of spring AND being A, then B. First twin could be [name]April[/name] and second [name]Blossom[/name] (or vice versa to mix it up).

Some background I can think of on the suggestions above:
[name]Tamsin[/name] - means twin, might be very cool for a twin!
[name]Eira[/name] - means snowdrop, very cool imagery but maybe not for a [name]Spring[/name] baby.
[name]Clementine[/name] - nature
[name]Jemima[/name] - means dove in Hebrew, an image of [name]Easter[/name] in some traditions

Here is what came to mind to me:
[name]Eve[/name] - time of day (especially if born then, normally I wouldn’t care, but maybe in your case?)
[name]Vera[/name] - primavera is Spanish for spring, [name]Vera[/name] has overlapping letters with vernal, relating to spring.
[name]Agnes[/name] - means lamb, an image of [name]Easter[/name] (and sounds a little like [name]Aries[/name])
[name]Oona[/name] - means lamb, an image of [name]Easter[/name]
[name]Anastasia[/name] - means resurrection, a tie in to [name]Easter[/name] (getting more heavily religious here of course)
[name]Indigo[/name] - goes with your interest in blue, and sounds great with [name]Winter[/name]
[name]Iris[/name] - a spring flower, but hipper than some others to go with [name]Winter[/name]
[name]Lark[/name] - a bird of spring (keep in mind some celebrity has a daughter named [name]Agnes[/name] [name]Lark[/name], so you might not use those together)
[name]Robin[/name] - a bird of spring (a little dated I know, but I still like it somehow. I would not do [name]Lark[/name] and [name]Robin[/name] together.)
[name]Ariel[/name] - overlap with [name]Aries[/name], and the “airy” time of [name]Spring[/name]. Really kind of combines [name]Aries[/name] and [name]April[/name]. I may just be thinking of the actress [name]Ariel[/name] [name]Winter[/name], though…
[name]Dawn[/name] - another mildly dated one, but a pretty time of day and it could work with her if she’s born then
[name]Aurora[/name] - means dawn if she’s born then. Would pair great with [name]Anastasia[/name] for two A names, princessy names
[name]Pascaline[/name] - French feminine name referring to [name]Easter[/name].
[name]Mariposa[/name] - means butterfly in Spanish, often a symbol of spring
[name]Paloma[/name] - means dove in Spanish, a symbol of [name]Easter[/name]
[name]Dove[/name] - just straight up [name]Dove[/name] could work, it’s pretty, although there’s the soap and the ice cream. [name]Don[/name]'t use with [name]Lark[/name] or [name]Robin[/name], I’d advise.
[name]Talitha[/name] - Aramaic for girl, in the Bible [name]Jesus[/name] resurrects her to tie it to [name]Easter[/name], that’s obviously heavily religious
[name]Abril[/name] - Spanish for [name]April[/name] ([name]Ah[/name]-brill)
[name]Avril[/name] - French for [name]April[/name]
[name]Florence[/name] - ties to flowers
[name]Florentine[/name] - same as above, but bolder
[name]Lilias[/name] - a rarer variant of popular [name]Lily[/name], an easter symbol
[name]Calla[/name] - a kind of lily
[name]Marguerite[/name] - ties to [name]Margaret[/name], but is the French word for daisy, too.
[name]Lilac[/name] - another rarer flower name

I’m sure there are more, but that gets you started with more. Here are some combos that touch on each other and also sound good together (to me)

[name]Winter[/name], [name]Iris[/name], and [name]Eve[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Iris[/name], and [name]Vera[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Agnes[/name], and [name]Eve[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Agnes[/name], and [name]Vera[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Florence[/name], and [name]Vera[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Agnes[/name], and [name]Oona[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Indigo[/name], and [name]Oona[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Lark[/name], and [name]Calla[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Avril[/name], and [name]Pascaline[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Pascaline[/name], and [name]Paloma[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Paloma[/name], and [name]Avril[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Paloma[/name], and [name]Iris[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Paloma[/name], and [name]Florentine[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Paloma[/name], and [name]Mariposa[/name] (this will get eye rolls if you are ever anywhere Spanish speaking. Still, they sound nice together)
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Ariel[/name], and [name]Anastasia[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Ariel[/name], and [name]Aurora[/name] (this might be too Disney princessy, with [name]Anastasia[/name] or [name]Aurora[/name] I think it’s weaker)
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Aurora[/name], and [name]Anastasia[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Iris[/name], and [name]Marguerite[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Pascaline[/name], and [name]Marguerite[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Robin[/name], and [name]Dawn[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Dawn[/name], and [name]Dove[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Talitha[/name], and [name]Lilias[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Lark[/name], and [name]Lilac[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Indigo[/name], and [name]Lilac[/name]
[name]Winter[/name], [name]Indigo[/name], and [name]Lilias[/name]

[name]Hope[/name] that helps! Good luck!

[name]Winter[/name] is an adorable name!

My suggestions:

[name]Winter[/name] & …

[name]Vesper[/name] (I’m not sure if I love the matching -er endings, but I thought it might be worth suggesting anyway.)
[name]Lark[/name] (I like the idea of a bird name with [name]Winter[/name] for some reason … I think I like the images it brings to mind?) / [name]Larkin[/name]

I think [name]Lark[/name] and [name]Lilac[/name] make cute twin names. I like bird names (even though I’m not overly fond of birds…) [name]Sparrow[/name] is cute on a girl, as is [name]Dove[/name]. [name]Paloma[/name] is Spanish for dove (Palomitas is what they call popcorn in Mexico, though. Litttle Doves.) [name]Wren[/name] makes a cute name as well.

[name]Lily[/name], [name]Susannah[/name] (means lily), [name]Lilac[/name], and [name]Daisy[/name] are all pretty. If you’re into really different, there’s [name]Flower[/name], [name]Blossom[/name], or Bloom.

[name]Cerelia[/name] means spring. [name]Spring[/name] itself could be a good name (all the other seasons are). [name]Daphne[/name] or [name]Laurel[/name] are pretty tree names. [name]Ashby[/name] has to do with trees… So does [name]Aspen[/name] (they have pretty heart-shaped leaves). [name]Lavender[/name] is a springy color and a plant.

[name]Dawn[/name] is pretty and so is [name]Aurora[/name]…

Forgive repeats and my stream of conciousness writing style…

Honestly, I’m not a fan of the names you mentioned and I agree with the poster who pointed that [name]Rain[/name] and [name]Winter[/name] wouldn’t be a good sibset. Have you thought about naming her [name]Reina[/name]? It’s a beautiful name.

What about [name]Pasqual[/name] (or [name]Pasquale[/name]) and [name]Paloma[/name]?
My favorite twin girls’ names at the moment: [name]Persis[/name] and [name]Petra[/name]

[name]Poet[/name] and [name]Meadow[/name] was my first thought x

I would search for the thread on Bohemian names on here. There were some great lists on there and similar to what you have described. I would attach the link for you if I know how but am writing this from my phone not computer. Good luck!

[name]Winter[/name] is so cute for a twin because Winter, contains twin!

I would use [name]Tamsin[/name] (meaning twin) and [name]Winter[/name]. That’s probably too cutesy.

Other suggestions:

[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Frostine[/name] (winter theme!)
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Vesper[/name] (evening winter star)
[name]Winter[/name] & [name]Wren[/name] (alliterative)

Kitkat suggested looking at the Bohemian [name]Baby[/name] name thread. There are some awesome suggestions there. Here is the link for it:

Thanks for all your suggestions!

I love [name]Pascale[/name]. I also like [name]Lark[/name], [name]Meadow[/name], [name]Cerelia[/name], [name]Lilac[/name], Celementine and [name]Calla[/name] - definitely ones for the list…