Help us decide on some boy name options

The hubby and I are having a harder time picking out boy names than girl names and are due in about 3 weeks. The frontrunnter for a girl would be [name_u]Joan[/name_u], after my grandmother. We both like the idea of a one-syllable name for our child, who I suspect will be outgoing and the type of person who has never met a stranger in his/her life (taking after my husband this way).

Some names that we like but are out of the running due to friends with children:

We are not stuck on one-syllable though, especially if there is an option that has a good short yet strong nickname.

I like (but he has vetoed- due to knowing people or just general dislike):

He likes:
[name_m]Fitz[/name_m] (originally my suggestion, yet we have been getting odd reactions from family and friends)
[name_m]Lundy[/name_m] (sounds too feminine for my taste)

We are of Scotch/Irish and Welsh descent for the most part. Our surname ends in “-son” so we are not wanting a first name with the -don, -son or -ton sound at the end to avoid repetitiveness.

Another consideration is if anyone can make the name [name_m]Roland[/name_m] sound fresh, that would honor my father. We aren’t crazy about the name [name_m]Roland[/name_m] or [name_m]Rollie[/name_m] or [name_m]Rollo[/name_m] (unless as a nickname) but maybe someone out there has another idea to freshen up that name.