We just rescued a little kitten that can’t be more then 6 weeks old…having the hardest time naming her! She is the sweetest little thing, all she wants to do is sit and be loved on. She is very small and very fluffy her color is orange and white. Any name suggestions for this little darling?
Something fiery maybe - like Cinder - or I once met a cat named Gingerbear
[name]Pepper[/name], perfect fit, …I think.
[name]How[/name] about Citrine? It was suggested in today’s blog about [name]Autumn[/name] names.
It’s a jewel stone of yellow orange color. http://www.google.com/search?q=Citrine&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=NKxhUOKYCNCI0QHrhYHICQ&ved=0CEMQsAQ&biw=979&bih=680
I had an orange cat named Pumpkin. Considering Halloween isn’t too far away, maybe something like that? Spooky, Pumpkin, Boo.
Pumpkin was one of the first names that came to mind…that and [name]Ginger[/name] but our older kitten’s name is [name]Bentley[/name] so I was wondering if I should go with a “human” name for her as well?
What about [name]Autumn[/name], [name]Ginger[/name], [name]Ember[/name], [name]Amber[/name], or Spice (like pumpkin spice)?