Help! We need some ideas!

[name]Hi[/name] everyone! I’m due very soon and still no name ideas! I’m getting a bit panicked… we loved the name [name]Evelyn[/name], but my husband’s cousin just used it for their baby girl! I don’t know of any names similar in popularity (not unheard of) that have an oldish feel, but aren’t as old sounding as, say, [name]Beatrice[/name] (lovely name by the way, just not one that would go over well where we live - [name]Emma[/name]'s, [name]Olivia[/name]'s and [name]Isabella[/name]'s rule around here). I don’t know what do… any ideas???

Also, we loved that [name]Evelyn[/name] has the nickname [name]Evie[/name], and names with cute nicknames would be an extra bonus!

I am sure you will get a lot of ideas here from other posters in a minute, but I just wanted to throw out the name Isalena. It is the middle name of one of my students and I think it is beautiful!

[name]Evangeline[/name] is a beautiful name with the added bonus of [name]Evie[/name] as nickname!

I love, love the name [name]Evelyn[/name]!
Other ideas:
[name]Georgia[/name] nn [name]Georgie[/name]
[name]Harriet[/name] nn [name]Hattie[/name]
[name]Matilda[/name] nn [name]Tillie[/name]
[name]Vivian[/name] nn [name]Vivi[/name]
[name]Adeline[/name] nn [name]Addie[/name]
[name]Veronica[/name] nn [name]Vera[/name], [name]Nicki[/name]
[name]Sylvia[/name] nn [name]Sylvie[/name]
[name]Imogen[/name] nn [name]Immy[/name]
[name]Edith[/name] nn [name]Edie[/name]
[name]Margaret[/name] nn [name]Maisie[/name], [name]Daisy[/name]
[name]Cordelia[/name] nn [name]Corrie[/name]
[name]Grace[/name] nn [name]Gracie[/name]
[name]Eleanor[/name] nn [name]Ellie[/name]

[name]Evelyn[/name] is actually in the same league as [name]Beatrice[/name], although [name]Evelyn[/name] is heard more often, making it sound fresher.

Some more ideas (and I’m sorry, [name]Susan[/name], for any repeats!):

[name]Isla[/name] (eye-la)
[name]Vivienne[/name] (gives you the "v’ sound, plus the “in” ending)

Best wishes!

I’m 16 and I think [name]Evelyn[/name] sounds too old lady-esque. I see a little old granny named [name]Evelyn[/name], I can’t even picture a baby with that name. I’d feel bad for a baby with a name like that.

[name]How[/name] about Avelyn, or Ivelyn, way hipper, and way cuter!

Okay [name]Navi[/name], we get it… You are 16 and you don’t like [name]Evelyn[/name].

Many people on this forum like a variety of names and being different and having unique tastes is what makes the world interesting. Please refrain from using words like “eew” going forward as it is not very respectful.

Instead why not simply suggest the variation you like without coming down so hard on the OP’s name. Your comments will go much farther in a forum like this.

A) I NEVER [name]SAID[/name] “EEW!”

B) I offered my ideas on variations.

C) [name]Read[/name] the comment before your criticize it! Honestly, you are such an ignoramus that I feel sorry for you. Get some psychiatric help or learn how to read.

Please refrain from posting new messages because you’re clearly not qualified to.

A) I NEVER [name]SAID[/name] “EEW!”

B) I offered my ideas on variations.

C) [name]Read[/name] the comment before your criticize it! Honestly, you are such an ignoramus that I feel sorry for you. Get some psychiatric help or learn how to read.

Please refrain from posting new messages because you’re clearly not qualified to.[/quote]

This strikes me as odd because [name]Erin[/name]'s post was from six months ago. [name]Navi[/name], are you still upset six months after a post was posted? And why would someone need psychiatric help just because they disagree with you on a website? If that’s the case, we all need psychiatric help.
Also, I have had a lot of therapy myself, and it has been wonderful. I respect people who get therapy when they need it. And most people do need therapy at some point or another!

Oh [name]Susan[/name], I love how swiftly you handle things! I’m not sure I could have said something as nice and with as much class as you just did!

Hmmmm… If I recall this correctly, as [name]Susan[/name] said it was 6 months ago, this was one of multiple posts that you had written that had used childish and unhelpful language and tone (such as eeew) and I was responding to your posts as a group, not to just that one in particular.

Does that help clarify where I was coming from?

I found one of the other posts that I had read that same day and was responding to you about…it wasn’t hard, all I had to do was search “eew”.

In general I think I was just asking you to be polite. There is no reason to get quite so upset and hold on to this for 6 months.

I couldn’t sleep last night for a couple of hours because the dog woke me up. I wrote this comment at something like 4:30 in the morning!

I totally agree Ricamaca, [name]Susan[/name] did a wonderful job!

[name]Just[/name] for fun I searched [name]Evelyn[/name] and [name]Navi[/name] and found the OTHER thread that I read that day where [name]Navi[/name] used both “eew” and disparaged the name [name]Evelyn[/name]… hence my saying “okay we get it, you don’t like [name]Evelyn[/name]”. I also included [name]Lola[/name]'s excellent response:

Re: Updated Twin Sets - what do you think?
by navi on Fri [name]Mar[/name] 13, 2009 3:11 pm

Eew, please don’t use [name]Evelyn[/name], It’s so old lady. I’m 16 and I would feel so bad for a poor baby living with a name like [name]Evelyn[/name] in 2009 and beyond.

Choose a different name for the love of your unborn child. Like I have suggested before why not try Avelyn, or Ivelyn, way less embarrassingly antiqued.

Re: Updated Twin Sets - what do you think?
by lola on Fri [name]Mar[/name] 13, 2009 5:36 pm

[name]Navi[/name], not be be argumentative or anything, Have you listened around you? Not disparaging, but teenagers are the most self centered people on earth. (I’ve been one, and have dealt with two of my own already, I know where I’m coming from!) It’s not a bad thing, bt it makes a teen miss the big picture. [name]Evelyn[/name], which you call “so old lady, eww” is in the top 100 already and has been since 2002. It’s ranked 55 already and poised to go higher still. So much for old lady, ewww. at #55, that’s 4,989 little girls a year. You know, [name]Emily[/name] was considered an “old lady” name too, about 20 years ago. And it’s been #1 for what, 11 years now? So it’s really a case of “what goes around, comes around”. :smiley:

I wouldn’t worry about it, [name]Erin[/name]. I’m sure it really has nothing to do with you! I hope nobody ever gets mad at me, though, because I would feel really bad.

I’d love for nameberry to stay as relatively drama-free as it is. There are so many other sites where people just barge in and TRY to cause drama. All of you wonderful women continue to difuse comment after comment with grace and class. Its truly great to be in the “presence” of such polite people. Its becoming harder and harder to find that and I’m truly greatful for all of you and this wonderful site. I can’t imagine anyone becoming angry with any of you. You all continue to brighten my day at least :slight_smile:

If the lady who started this post is still reading it (I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name), I put the name [name]Evelyn[/name] to my younger cousin (17), who announced that she is planning to use it for a future daughter, so you have very good taste, which members of the younger generation do like! (Her other comment was a very loud “oh, it’s so CUTE!” …)

[name]Erin[/name], you’re the best, and I hope you and baby bean are doing well! :slight_smile:

I just reported that poopy post, and hope it’s deleted. I’d hate to see potential posters think that personal attacks are the norm on Nameberry. :frowning: And [name]Susan[/name], if anyone was ever mean to you, we’d be there in a heartbeat to sing your praises. :slight_smile: