I can not find a girls name that I like. I am only 3 months along and not sure of sex yet but I have chosen [name]Elias[/name] [name]Joshua[/name] for a boys name (daughter chose the middle name) the big sister is 5 and is named [name]Jaiden[/name]. I want something unique and different. Help please.
[name]Jaiden[/name] is a modern, very common name (as you no doubt know) whereas [name]Elias[/name] is a dignified ancient classic. Those are two very different style families, which will make suggestions tough. Could you tell us more about what you’re looking for, and what the baby’s last name will be like?
Here are some ideas from all over the style spectrum:
which kinds of names do you find yourself liking?
From your older daughters name, I’m throwing mostly unisex names at you, but let me know if you’re looking for something totally different
I don’t really have a style I like all names just can’t find that right one… the boy name was so easy. The last name is [name]Steele[/name]. I do want it to be deffinatly feminine.
Some ideas:
[name]Romilly[/name] (my fav idea!)
Let me know if these are anything close to what you are looking for!
With sister [name]Jaiden[/name] and potential future brother [name]Elias[/name] and last name [name]Steele[/name], some feminine/mildly uni names I like are:
[name]How[/name] about [name]Jacinda[/name], nick name [name]Jacie[/name] (pronounced jassie)
Thank you all for your help. I have some finalists from your suggestions plus a few others what does everyone think of… [name]Gracia[/name] pernounced like greysha… [name]Tyleigh[/name]…Nataya…[name]Khloe[/name]…[name]Jacinda[/name]…[name]Stella[/name]… and [name]Alondra[/name]
double post, sorry
[name]Gracia[/name]-- this is very pretty, and I actually like it a lot, but I fear it will be confused with the Spanish word Gracias and therefore pronounced ‘Gra-see-ah’
[name]Tyleigh[/name]-- I do not care for this. It has a pretty sound but it is an invented name combining a couple of popular name elements ([name]Ty[/name]- from [name]Tyler[/name], [name]Tyson[/name]) and -leigh to make it feminine. I think your other choices are better.
Nataya-- I like [name]Natanya[/name], which is a Hebrew name meaning “God gave.” Nataya is like [name]Tyleigh[/name]-- a pretty sound but no roots or meaning.
[name]Khloe[/name]-- I think [name]Chloe[/name] would work very well with your family. It’s got a very cute, high-energy sound. But spelling it with a K means your daughter will forever and ever be associated with [name]Khloe[/name] Kardashian, which imo will probably be a bad thing.
[name]Jacinda[/name]-- great choice. This is such a fun name, with long and dignified roots. [name]Jacinta[/name] was a saint and the [name]Jacinda[/name] form is popular in Spain. I think it pairs well with big sister [name]Jaiden[/name], even though the names are obviously of different styles, due to the Ja- starter.
[name]Stella[/name]-- beautiful. What little girl wouldn’t like to be named “[name]Star[/name]?”
[name]Alondra[/name]-- I know I suggested it but it really is my favorite. It’s such a pretty word, it just flows off the tongue, and the meaning “lark” is lovely for a young girl.
I think you have some great choices-- from your list, I would seriously consider [name]Gracia[/name], [name]Chloe[/name], [name]Jacinda[/name], [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Alondra[/name].
Also, it seems from [name]Tyleigh[/name] and Nataya that you really like the “[name]Tye[/name]” sound. [name]Do[/name] you like [name]Tyra[/name] or [name]Tyne[/name]? Here’s another one: Altaira, which is a name (in Arabic) for one of the stars in the constellation [name]Aquila[/name] the [name]Eagle[/name]. It’s pronounced al-tye-ra.
My favorites in order:
If you did [name]Stella[/name] it could be interesting to add Altaira in as a middle, since it’s the name of a specific star.
I love [name]Gracia[/name], but I agree with blade that there may be pronunciation issues. I also love the suggestion of [name]Natanya[/name]!! So unique.
If you like the name [name]Tyleigh[/name], have you considered the double first [name]Tai[/name] Li? Same pronunciation, still exotic, but without that made up feel.
[name]Jacinda[/name] and [name]Jaiden[/name] would make a lovely sibset as well.
Good luck with whatever you choose!
I love [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Estella[/name]! You can’t wrong with those. So lively and feminine and sparkly!
[name]Alondra[/name] is also stunning and unique. it is a joy to say and sounds very mysterious and regal.
I like [name]Gracia[/name], but it could lead to misunderstandings.
Nataya leaves me a bit unmoved… [name]Natalia[/name] is a lovely Russian name (means born on Xmas, but don’t let that stop you) that could work in its place.
[name]Chloe[/name] is lovely, but very popular here in Australia. I wouldn’t spell it with a K tho.