Help with baby boy name due anyday!

Hello fellow berries

We are excited to be expecting our first child with our due date in 8 days time. We have found name selecting very difficult and the husband and I can’t really pin down one that we absolutely [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] together. The other difficult fact is that we don’t know the sex of our baby. I am posting boys today and girls tomorrow. Our last name is pronounced [name_u]PACE[/name_u]-EY, however is commonly mistaken for [name_u]PEACE[/name_u]-EY and even [name_f]PEACH[/name_f]-EY. We would like to use a family name as MN and these consist of [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m], Aven and [name_m]Bernard[/name_m], although not HUGELY important it would be nice. Current combos we have are:

[name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m]
[name_m]Joshua[/name_m] Aven?
[name_u]Blake[/name_u] Aven
[name_m]Silas[/name_m] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m]
[name_m]Silas[/name_m] [name_m]Bernard[/name_m] (not sure if I like this)
[name_m]Silas[/name_m] Aven?

[name_m]Joshua[/name_m] has been our #1 since early on but now Husband would prefer not due to starting work with a [name_m]Joshua[/name_m], I’m heartbroken but I can’t bear to take it off our list, I keep hoping he’ll change his mind. I also worry that [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is a bit ‘out there’, it came about from a dream I had of naming my baby [name_m]Silas[/name_m], it wasn’t a name I was considering but the dream was so vivid I see it everywhere now. Husband likes the name and as we don’t have many it’s on the list (cuz I quite like it and think it flows nice with LN). My parents couldn’t really hide their shock at the name so I worry the vast majority of people will be like ‘WHAT THE…’. I think [name_u]Blake[/name_u] is a sweet and cool name, it’s been on the list almost as long as [name_m]Joshua[/name_m].

Other names I adore but cannot use include [name_m]Samuel[/name_m], [name_m]Caleb[/name_m], [name_u]Emmett[/name_u], [name_m]Elijah[/name_m], [name_m]William[/name_m], [name_u]Noah[/name_u], [name_m]Mitchell[/name_m], [name_m]Harrison[/name_m], [name_u]Elliot[/name_u] (funny how the list you can’t use is longer than the list you have to pick from!!)

Your opinions, advice and any similar name suggestions would be fantastic!!

I love [name_m]Silas[/name_m] Aven! [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is definitely not too “out there”, maybe a tad offbeat but soo lovely. In the US last year it ranked at #161, so it is definitely familiar.

Sorry about [name_m]Joshua[/name_m]…I feel like [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] is one of thos amazing timeless names that will eternally be awesome, so I do hope your hubby comes around if you have your heart set on it. ( I like [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_m]Bernard[/name_m] the best, combo-wise)

Sounds like [name_u]Blake[/name_u] might be the one?
I like [name_u]Blake[/name_u] Aven. It’s sweet but bold.

Other suggestions:

Good luck

Thanks for your replies moonkai and tuitree! You certainly make me feel better about only having a couple of names, and more so that the names we’ve got are our top picks. Good suggestion of [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_m]Bernard[/name_m], I hadn’t had that one down.

I love [name_m]Calvin[/name_m] (and [name_m]Callum[/name_m]) but it’s not Husband’s interest. I also like [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] but Husband prefers that for a girls name. I like [name_m]Joseph[/name_m] too but we already have a [name_m]Jonah[/name_m] cousin (NN [name_m]Joe[/name_m]) so would be too close, and another cousin [name_u]James[/name_u]. Perhaps we already have enough J names already in the family.

The only other (albeit) small problem is that [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is also the same initial as my name, but that’s livable… [name_m]Gee[/name_m] there is lots to think about when naming important little people hey guys!

I like [name_m]Silas[/name_m] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m] the best. I like [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] too. Have you considered [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_u]Blake[/name_u]? One thing to consider is the fact the mn Aven begins with a vowel so it will blend into your first names (Silasaven, Blakeaven, Joshuaaven aren’t ideal).

[name_m]Silas[/name_m] Aven is a great, strong name. If you had a dream about it, I think that’s a sign. Follow your instinct.

[name_u]Blake[/name_u] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m] would be choice.

[name_m]Joachim[/name_m] [name_m]Bernard[/name_m]
[name_u]Jericho[/name_u] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m]
[name_f]Jerusha[/name_f] Aven

Thanks everyone, you have all given me great ideas, as well as confirming the names we have picked are well suitable. Appreciate your time! I think the name will be decided on birth day after meeting the little one but you have all made me feel wonderful about our top names, thanks!