We are excited to be expecting our first child with our due date in 8 days time. We have found name selecting very difficult and the husband and I can’t really pin down one that we absolutely [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] together. The other difficult fact is that we don’t know the sex of our baby. I am posting boys today and girls tomorrow. Our last name is pronounced [name_u]PACE[/name_u]-EY, however is commonly mistaken for [name_u]PEACE[/name_u]-EY and even [name_f]PEACH[/name_f]-EY. We would like to use a family name as MN and these consist of [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m], Aven and [name_m]Bernard[/name_m], although not HUGELY important it would be nice. Current combos we have are:
[name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m]
[name_m]Joshua[/name_m] Aven?
[name_u]Blake[/name_u] Aven
[name_m]Silas[/name_m] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m]
[name_m]Silas[/name_m] [name_m]Bernard[/name_m] (not sure if I like this)
[name_m]Silas[/name_m] Aven?
[name_m]Joshua[/name_m] has been our #1 since early on but now Husband would prefer not due to starting work with a [name_m]Joshua[/name_m], I’m heartbroken but I can’t bear to take it off our list, I keep hoping he’ll change his mind. I also worry that [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is a bit ‘out there’, it came about from a dream I had of naming my baby [name_m]Silas[/name_m], it wasn’t a name I was considering but the dream was so vivid I see it everywhere now. Husband likes the name and as we don’t have many it’s on the list (cuz I quite like it and think it flows nice with LN). My parents couldn’t really hide their shock at the name so I worry the vast majority of people will be like ‘WHAT THE…’. I think [name_u]Blake[/name_u] is a sweet and cool name, it’s been on the list almost as long as [name_m]Joshua[/name_m].
Other names I adore but cannot use include [name_m]Samuel[/name_m], [name_m]Caleb[/name_m], [name_u]Emmett[/name_u], [name_m]Elijah[/name_m], [name_m]William[/name_m], [name_u]Noah[/name_u], [name_m]Mitchell[/name_m], [name_m]Harrison[/name_m], [name_u]Elliot[/name_u] (funny how the list you can’t use is longer than the list you have to pick from!!)
Your opinions, advice and any similar name suggestions would be fantastic!!
I love [name_m]Silas[/name_m] Aven! [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is definitely not too “out there”, maybe a tad offbeat but soo lovely. In the US last year it ranked at #161, so it is definitely familiar.
Sorry about [name_m]Joshua[/name_m]…I feel like [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] is one of thos amazing timeless names that will eternally be awesome, so I do hope your hubby comes around if you have your heart set on it. ( I like [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_m]Bernard[/name_m] the best, combo-wise)
Thanks for your replies moonkai and tuitree! You certainly make me feel better about only having a couple of names, and more so that the names we’ve got are our top picks. Good suggestion of [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_m]Bernard[/name_m], I hadn’t had that one down.
I love [name_m]Calvin[/name_m] (and [name_m]Callum[/name_m]) but it’s not Husband’s interest. I also like [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] but Husband prefers that for a girls name. I like [name_m]Joseph[/name_m] too but we already have a [name_m]Jonah[/name_m] cousin (NN [name_m]Joe[/name_m]) so would be too close, and another cousin [name_u]James[/name_u]. Perhaps we already have enough J names already in the family.
The only other (albeit) small problem is that [name_m]Silas[/name_m] is also the same initial as my name, but that’s livable… [name_m]Gee[/name_m] there is lots to think about when naming important little people hey guys!
I like [name_m]Silas[/name_m] [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m] the best. I like [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] too. Have you considered [name_m]Joshua[/name_m] [name_u]Blake[/name_u]? One thing to consider is the fact the mn Aven begins with a vowel so it will blend into your first names (Silasaven, Blakeaven, Joshuaaven aren’t ideal).
Thanks everyone, you have all given me great ideas, as well as confirming the names we have picked are well suitable. Appreciate your time! I think the name will be decided on birth day after meeting the little one but you have all made me feel wonderful about our top names, thanks!