Help with baby name!!

I post yesterday about help finding a name for the baby I am expecting in [name]June[/name], I do not yet no the sex and I went to the hospital last night and the dr said he thinks he heard more then one Heartbeat so possibly twins again!! Which scares me because My first set of twins didnt make it(I had a Boy/girl combo R.I.P mommies angels [name]Aiden[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] and Kaidence Nechole) So im stuck because I want to honor my two before but also honor their heritage which is African American, Puertorican and Italian, and also sound good with their last name which will be Carrasquillo. Names I like are a little out their but I like them any thoughts and ideas anyone could give me are greatly appreciated!!

Names I like


[name]Aubrianna[/name] Nechole
Breylan [name]Marie[/name]
[name]Angelita[/name] [name]Hope[/name] (this is a combination of two friends I lost [name]Jessica[/name] [name]Angelita[/name] and [name]Ashley[/name] [name]Hope[/name])
[name]Jaslene[/name] [name]Ava[/name]
[name]Jessica[/name] [name]Ashley[/name]


[name]Isaiah[/name] [name]Dominic[/name]
[name]Elijah[/name] [name]Raymond[/name] ([name]Raymond[/name] is after my great grandfather)
[name]Josiah[/name] [name]Cole[/name]
[name]Jeremiah[/name] [name]Anibal[/name]
[name]Zachariah[/name] [name]Lee[/name]

Also there are other names I like but not sure how they would sound:

Girls: Esmee or [name]Renesmee[/name], [name]Rosalie[/name], [name]Isabella[/name](mn only), and [name]Divinity[/name]
Boys: [name]Jacob[/name], [name]Emmett[/name], Jakaylen, and [name]Gage[/name]

So what do you think to Over the top? too trendy? any ideas? or thoughts on the names I like? And what would be good combinations for possible twins?

thank you for any help and advice


I don’t like any of the girl names TBH. And all of the boys names.

[name]Renesmee[/name], [name]Rosalie[/name] and [name]Isabella[/name] are all from twilight, as well as [name]Jacob[/name] and [name]Emmett[/name]. I’m guessing you’re a bit of a fan? [name]Rosalie[/name] and [name]Emmett[/name] are the only one’s I’d recommend using because of the popularity of [name]Isabella[/name] and [name]Jacob[/name] and the fact that [name]Renesmee[/name] is not pretty and was made up by the writer, so she’ll be associated with twilight her entire life. [name]Esme[/name] is pretty alone. [name]Divinity[/name] is just… No.

I don’t like [name]Gage[/name], it just isn’t as a name to me and seems like it’s sort of trending right now. And Jakaylen doesn’t sound like a name. And it has [name]Kaylen[/name] in it which makes me think of the -lyn trend for girls.

For the girl’s name, I’d go with [name]Angelita[/name] [name]Hope[/name]. I think it’s a lovely way to honor your friend, and both names are lovely and not trendy.
For the boy’s name, all the first names you listed are fine, except for [name]Gage[/name] (which is too trendy) and Jakaylen (which sounds and looks made up).

I absolutely love [name]Aubrianna[/name], but I think Nechole is kind of a strange spelling-- [name]Nichole[/name] is a bit nicer. Also, I like the homage of [name]Angelita[/name] [name]Hope[/name], especially since the names sound nice together. I’ve never heard of the name ‘[name]Angelita[/name]’ before, but it has a cool sound to it.

I think the names ‘[name]Jessica[/name]’ and ‘[name]Ashley[/name]’ don’t really sound like a baby’s name any more, since they’re so popular among teenager’s nowadays, to the point of being overused. Brelyn has a nice sound, but I think it would be cooler to give your baby a name that stands out, and Brelyn sounds so much like really popular names like [name]Braden[/name] and [name]Kaylyn[/name] that it would be a hard name for other people to remember.

I like all of the boys’ names except for ‘[name]Anibal[/name],’ which sounds really unpleasant to me. I think [name]Elijah[/name] [name]Raymond[/name] is my favorite, though [name]Isaiah[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] has a really great strong, masculine sound to it.

As for the Twilight names, I do think those are a little bit overly trendy, although Esmee, [name]Rosalie[/name], or [name]Isabella[/name] would make a nice middle name ([name]Isabella[/name]'s outrageously popular right now, though!) [name]Divinity[/name] has a pretty sound, but I think it’d be a bit too powerful for a baby-- think about how much she’d have to live up to with a name like '[name]Divinity[/name]!" She’s only human, after all!

I really don’t like Jakaylen, especially since it sort of sounds like a girl’s name and sounds made-up. I think names should have a bit of a history behind them, and names that end in ‘en’ are so popular right now. I think [name]Gage[/name] is super-cool, though, especially as a middle name.