Help with name for 3rd baby girl!

[/u]Having a hard time to find a name for our third little girl, her sisters are [name]McKayla[/name] [name]Paige[/name] and [name]Adriana[/name] [name]Claire[/name]. I really like more feminine names, perhaps something ending in a as well, but would like to avoid anything with M or A.

I really like [name]Gabriella[/name] or [name]Venetia[/name],(says he thinks venetian blind) but my husband doesn’t like either. Can you think of anything with the same feel as her sisters names and my two faves that would make us both happy?



[name]Brianna[/name], [name]Alexa[/name], [name]Elysia[/name], [name]Carissa[/name], [name]Piper[/name], [name]Mariah[/name], [name]Lydia[/name], [name]Livia[/name]

[name]How[/name] about…



Out of these we seem to be down to this list below, but nothing is still jumping out at me and hitting as high a note as [name]Gabriella[/name] (he’s not about to change his mind sniff, sniff)


Which to you like for sister of [name]McKayla[/name] & [name]Adriana[/name]?
Also I’m concerned about problems of pronunciation. [name]How[/name] would you pronounce [name]Elena[/name] E-lay-na- or E-lee-na or like [name]Ellen[/name]-a? Could this
pose a problem for her? (we like 1st one)
[name]Keara[/name]/[name]Chiara[/name] We want it said like Kee-arh-a or Kee-air-a. But I know because of [name]Keira[/name] Knightly so popular, would it end up being
[name]Keer[/name]-a, (really don’t like that).
One more question, do think [name]Natalia[/name] would get called [name]Nat[/name] (not my preference at all).

I really like [name]Natalia[/name]! I think you could come up with another nickname if you wanted, such as [name]Talia[/name]!

Firstly, I love both your daughters names!
From your revised list, I’m not really a fan of [name]Natalia[/name], the one [name]Savannah[/name] I know is a bit of a lost cause so that name has negative associations for me, I really love [name]Elena[/name] though and I prefer the [name]Elena[/name] spelling to the [name]Elaina[/name] (I’m a huge Vampire Diaries fan so to me that’s the winner :smiley: ) and I read it as E-lay-na as would I think most people. When I read [name]Keara[/name]/[name]Chiara[/name] I read it as Kee-arh-ah however this might be because I have a friend called [name]Kiana[/name] (Kee-arh-na). And I’m not swayed in either direction by [name]Serena[/name].
I think you’ve picked a winner with [name]Elena[/name] with [name]Keara[/name] a close second :slight_smile:
Good luck and I hope this helps

If you are worried about pronunciation you could use the spelling ‘[name]Kiara[/name]’ - I know 2 girls spelt this way and pronounced ‘Key-are-ah’.

[name]Isabella[/name], [name]Natalia[/name], [name]Anastasia[/name], [name]Vanessa[/name], [name]Carina[/name], [name]Seraphina[/name], [name]Priscilla[/name], [name]Melina[/name], [name]Giana[/name], [name]Victoria[/name], [name]Marina[/name], [name]Bianca[/name], [name]Briana[/name]

What about [name]Gabriana[/name] or Gabrianna??