Help with names! Penelope, Calliope, Amelia, Talia, etc...

See the results of this poll: Favorite name

Respondents: 89 (This poll is closed)

  • Penelope : 7 (8%)
  • Calliope : 13 (15%)
  • Amelia : 18 (20%)
  • Talia : 14 (16%)
  • Delilah : 7 (8%)
  • Violet : 13 (15%)
  • Reese : 1 (1%)
  • Matilda : 9 (10%)
  • Tabitha: 7 (8%)

I like [name]Amelia[/name] the most, followed by [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Talia[/name]. I’m saying it tahl-yuh. Is that what you’d like? I think most people will pronounce it that way.

A note from a Greek about the Greek name [name]Thalia[/name], [name]Thalia[/name] is pronounced [name]THAY[/name]-lee-uh not tahl-yuh, so you really can’t get the pronunciation you want from [name]Thalia[/name].

[name]Tabitha[/name]! (It would’ve been [name]Thalia[/name] if spelled like that, and pronounced the way dantea said.)

Thanks for your opinion! I prefer the hard T sound for [name]Talia[/name]/[name]Thalia[/name], so I’m spelling it [name]Talia[/name]. However, my husband I both like the way “[name]Thalia[/name]” looks written out. Sort of another reason why it’s a bit lower on our list.

I do prefer [name]Thalia[/name] too (and I would have pronounced it [name]Talia[/name] so thank you @dantea for the info). I have know two Thalias who pronounced it with a hard T. It’s confusing. I voted [name]Talia[/name] regardless.

  1. [name]Violet[/name]
  2. [name]Tabitha[/name]

[name]Calliope[/name] would have been #1 if everyone in the world knew how to pronounce it. I completely understand your hesitation and I would feel the same way.

I think that you may like a compromise between [name]Talia[/name], Tabitha and [name]Amelia[/name] and the name I have in mind is [name]Talitha[/name]. I think it is beautiful, very feminine and easy to say, unusual but with a feeling of familiarity.

I voted in the poll for [name]Amelia[/name].


[name]Talia[/name] is unique and absolutely gorgeous! This one definitely wins my vote! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your opinions! They are very helpful!

I really like the suggestion of [name]Talitha[/name] and will also suggest [name]Natalia[/name]. You like many lovely names! I voted [name]Talia[/name] but it was a tough call.

I like [name]Talia[/name] when pronounced tahl-ya. I’ve heard three syllable versions but don’t care for that at all.

[name]Amelia[/name] doesn’t do anything for me. I prefer [name]Amarantha[/name] or [name]Amity[/name] or even no-longer-stylish [name]Amanda[/name].

[name]Penelope[/name] is gorgeous but it is going through the roof.

[name]Tabitha[/name] is lovely, but I don’t mind the witch thing.

I like [name]Violet[/name] but if it’s the flower imagery you love, you might suggest to your husband: [name]Ione[/name], [name]Iole[/name], [name]Viola[/name], or [name]Iola[/name], which all also mean [name]Violet[/name]. I like [name]Violet[/name] itself a lot though. And that’s what I voted for.

For popularity reasons, I would pick [name]Calliope[/name], though I really like [name]Delilah[/name].

The version of [name]Talia[/name] that I like the best is Tall-ee-a. I’m not really into [name]Talitha[/name]. For some reason, I associate it with a super big and tall person. My favorites are still [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Amelia[/name], and [name]Violet[/name], but of course they are the most popular on the list :/. Good thing we won’t have the baby until after 2012 social security results come out :slight_smile:

Any other suggestions, Berries?



I voted for [name]Calliope[/name] because its beautiful, and has a nice meaning and history. I can’t imagine there would be too many pronunciation issues. Generally, you only have to correct someone once and I think it’s a common enough word that most people already know how to say it.

I voted for [name]Violet[/name], but it was a hard choice. A gorgeous list of names!

I like [name]Amelia[/name], followed by [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Matilda[/name], and [name]Violet[/name].

I was tossing up between [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Penelope[/name]. I ended up voting for [name]Penelope[/name]. It’s sweet and I’d there are too many there are so many nn options. Also, maybe just [name]Poppy[/name] could work for you.

[name]Matilda[/name] is gorgeous!

Beautiful list! I voted [name]Calliope[/name], but I love [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Matilda[/name], [name]Tabitha[/name] and [name]Delilah[/name] as well. [name]Reese[/name] just doesn’t compare to the rest of your list though - it feels masculine and sticks out in a bad way.

Thanks all! Right now I’m also sort of feeling [name]Daphne[/name] and [name]Phoebe[/name]. Unfortunately my husband does not seem as interested in those names as me. He’s mostly on the [name]Penelope[/name] train. He loves the nickname possibilities with that name.