DS is due in [name]March[/name], and we are having a hard time agreeing on a name. Would love opinions on our list and suggestions!! I feel like i just can’t think of anything esle…Our last name kind of sounds like Hitson. We’d like a strong masculine name that won’t likely be heard on a girl. ([name]Knox[/name], [name]Dane[/name], and [name]Reid[/name] have been vetoed) We’re not real big on nicknames, we’d like to name him what he will be called. ETA…middle name will be [name]Thomas[/name] to honor dh stepfather.
[name]Jake[/name] (mabye way too popular)
[name]Lincoln[/name] (I’m sure this would get ‘[name]Linc[/name]’ for a nn…also not sure if names ending in ‘n’ sound good with last name)
[name]Blake[/name] (heard it for girls, so that irks me a little)
[name]Ryder[/name] (also heard this for girls…)
[name]Stone[/name] (I’m not too sure about this one)
[name]Jett[/name] (Dh isn’t sure about this one)
[name]Cole[/name] – love it. I don’t see it as feminine at all, but it is a softer boys name to me.
[name]Cruz[/name] – don’t like it. Too hollywood for me.
[name]Jake[/name] (mabye way too popular) – yes, way too popular. But I still like it.
[name]Lincoln[/name] (I’m sure this would get ‘[name]Linc[/name]’ for a nn…also not sure if names ending in ‘n’ sound good with last name) – like it but not with the last name
[name]Blake[/name] (heard it for girls, so that irks me a little) – all boy to me, although I have met a girl named [name]Blakely[/name]. I like [name]Blake[/name] a lot.
[name]Ryder[/name] (also heard this for girls…) – definitely all boy to me, but I am not a huge fan.
[name]Blaise[/name] – I really like it, but do think of the show “American Gladiators”
[name]Beckett[/name] – like it
[name]Brooks[/name] – I love this name, but it might be too close to [name]Brooke[/name] for your comfort
[name]Stone[/name] (I’m not too sure about this one) – he will be called “Stoner” in high school, I don’t like it
[name]Jett[/name] (Dh isn’t sure about this one) – like it.
Thank you for your response! I appreciate the comments!! I’ve never really liked [name]Lincoln[/name] with our last name either. DH doesn’t see my point on that yet. It’s funny b/c most of the names on the list that are my faves you liked too, but most that are DHs faves you didn’t like! lol! That’s our problem! He doesn’t love the ones I do! :lol: