Help with our third indecisive

[name]Hi[/name] Berries
I am due within the next two months and still feel like I have made no progress on the name front. I feel like I love a name and then either my husband dislikes or I just simply quit feeling attached to it. I need your help. These are my choices with my first choice being my recent love; husband does not feel it though. I really could use your suggestions. My daughters are Esmee (ez-may) and [name]Siri[/name].

[name]Ottaline[/name] – nn Ottalie or [name]Tallie[/name] (however I am struggling whether I like the pronunciation of ot-ta-lyn or ot-ta-line)
[name]Leighton[/name] – (lay-ton)
[name]Geneva[/name] – nn [name]Eva[/name], [name]Nev[/name] or [name]GiGi[/name]
[name]Veda[/name] – (vay-dah)
[name]Isla[/name] (E-slah) - but not sure if this would work bc last name starts with I and name is pretty popular
[name]Elsa[/name] - nn [name]Elle[/name]
[name]Imogen[/name] - im-oh-jen - like the i in imagine not the sound of I’m

Thank you for your thoughts

I just [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Clementine[/name]. My daughter ([name]Violet[/name]) was [name]Clementine[/name] up until a month or two before she was born. I couldn’t overcome other people’s opinions about it (very midwest). But you already have fun names, so you could really pull it off!!

Second place goes to [name]Honor[/name].

I like [name]Clementine[/name], [name]Honor[/name], and [name]Veda[/name] the best.

I vote for [name]Veda[/name], but [name]Clementine[/name] also sounds nice.

Esmee, [name]Siri[/name] and sister…

1 [name]Veda[/name]
2 [name]Geneva[/name]
3 [name]Clementine[/name]/[name]Imogen[/name]

The names above are my choices for a sister with Esmee and [name]Siri[/name]. They are the most “unusual” (especially the first two stated). [name]Ottaline[/name] would have been a contender for third spot if it was spelled correctly ([name]Ottoline[/name]). Personally, I would eliminate 4 names: [name]Elsa[/name] and [name]Isla[/name] for their similarity with Esmee as well as [name]Honor[/name] and [name]Leighton[/name] which have completely different vibes from your daughters names.

I think [name]Veda[/name] fits best.

Or, Esmee, [name]Siri[/name], and

Good luck. I think your daughters have beautiful names by the way.

[name]Imogen[/name], [name]Veda[/name], [name]Geneva[/name], and [name]Ottaline[/name] are my favorites (in that order) with Esmee and [name]Siri[/name]. All are feminine, unusual, and strong. I’d strike off [name]Isla[/name] since it’s close to Esmee, has the last name thing, and would probably get pronunciation issues (I only know of it pronounced EYE-la). I also think [name]Leighton[/name] and [name]Haven[/name] are really different stylistically from Esmee and [name]Siri[/name], so I’d probably bump them for others on your list, too. Best wishes!

I really like [name]Veda[/name] best with the other names. [name]Honor[/name] works well too. Short, unique & spunky. Also I think these two have less pronunciation issues than some.

Thank you for all your input - Here are my hesitations on each of the names posted:
[name]Ottaline[/name] – Primarily pronunciation issues will it sound like out- of-line and is ot-tah-lynn just another madeline. I know spelling was an issue for a few of you, but i really dislike the ottoline spelling as it reminds me of a dog’s name otto
[name]Leighton[/name] – (lay-ton) - i just don’t think it sounds like a sister to Esmee or [name]Siri[/name]
[name]Geneva[/name] – the name is sweet the meaning is horrid - considering my other two daughters have nice and sweet meanings (loved & beautiful)
[name]Veda[/name] – (vay-dah) - This name is great, but I feel it is offly spanish sounding from her very european sisters. Meaning is nice though.
[name]Clementine[/name] - “Oh my darling” - must I say more
[name]Isla[/name] (E-slah) - Pronunciation primarily
[name]Honor[/name] - I like it, but just can’t get [name]Jessica[/name] [name]Alba[/name] off my mind
[name]Elsa[/name] - nn [name]Elle[/name] - Husband just really HATES it
[name]Imogen[/name] - im-oh-jen - like the i in imagine not the sound of I’m - [name]Major[/name] pronuncuation issuses and last name also starts with an I.

Am I going crazy and should create a new list or take one of these that i have hesitations on?

I love [name]Geneva[/name] with your daighters name - so cute!

My vote goes to [name]Veda[/name]! It has a similar style/feeling to your daughter’s names :slight_smile:

[name]Ottaline[/name] does not appeal to me, doesn’t match sisters names and has major pronunciation issues. [name]Leighton[/name] doesn’t match the feminie quality of sisters names. [name]Geneva[/name] is very pretty matches sisters names, meaning doesn’t bother me. [name]Veda[/name] does not sound Spanish to be if it were spelled [name]Vida[/name] then yes it would be spanish. [name]Veda[/name] is [name]IMO[/name] the best choice. [name]Clementine[/name] is great a lil long w sisters names but I like it. [name]Isla[/name] us most commonly pronounced eye-la. [name]Honor[/name] is nice. [name]Elsa[/name] don’t use if DH hates it. [name]Imogen[/name] is pretty common where I live and rarely gets mispronounces.

Why are you pronouncing [name]Isla[/name] that way?

Since the other girls have short names, I’d do the same with this one. I like [name]Veda[/name] and [name]Isla[/name] “EYE-la”

[name]Vida[/name] is Spanish. [name]Veda[/name] is Hindu/[name]Indian[/name] and so is [name]Siri[/name]

[name]Esme[/name], [name]Siri[/name] and [name]Honor[/name] sounds lovely, as with [name]Esme[/name], [name]Siri[/name] and [name]Veda[/name]. My personal favorite out of your picks is [name]Ottaline[/name] (prn. ot-ta-line). I love the nickname Ottalie.

My favorites from your list are [name]Veda[/name], [name]Honor[/name], and [name]Geneva[/name] in that order. I think you will have pronunciation problems with some of your selections. What about [name]Octavia[/name] instead of [name]Ottoline[/name]? You could use [name]Tavi[/name] as a nn. Here are some other possibilities:

Esmee, [name]Siri[/name] and


You have a really nice list! I think that [name]Elsa[/name] goes best with your other daughters names but if your husband really dislikes it how about the name [name]Ilse[/name] (il-sa)? It’s very similar but I think much prettier than [name]Elsa[/name].

[name]Honor[/name] is my personal fav with your other names, but I also like [name]Geneva[/name]. Good luck!