Help with spelling on a middle name!

Okay, so FINALLY my fiancé and I have settled on a boy and girl name! We find out on the 15 what we’re having, so that’s super exciting! Our boy name is [name_m]Oliver[/name_m] [name_u]James[/name_u] and our girl name is Camrielle Nevae ([name_m]Nuh[/name_m]-Vay). [name_f]My[/name_f] only issue is how we should spell Nevae. I don’t like the look of multiple e’s, so maybe Nivae? Help!!

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Nivae would be a different pronunciation (at least I would think so.) I would stick with Nevae.

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Navae might work, or Nevay. Navae and Navay are some more ideas.

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I would spell it Nevae or [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f]. Navae and Navay may also work.

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I like Nevay or Navay. Although Navay kind of looks like a weird form of [name_u]Navy[/name_u]. So back to Nevay!

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I like Cambrielle. Is it a ‘smoosh-up’ of [name_u]Camryn[/name_u] and [name_f]Gabrielle[/name_f]?

Why don’t you just use [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f] (ne-vay-uh) for the middle name, an established girls name and very close to the sound you are going for?
(The medical term for skin moles is nevi.)

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