Help with spelling on girl name

My hubby and I are TTC and I’ve been looking at names. I love unique and uncommon names so when I heard this name I fell in love. Problem is, I don’t know how it should be spelled a d research didn’t help. The name sounds like [name_f]Anna[/name_f]-lie. [name_f]Annelie[/name_f] is pronounced [name_f]Anna[/name_f]-lee. I thought maybe [name_f]Anneli[/name_f], but it’s still prounoced with the [name_u]Lee[/name_u] sound. So I was thinking of spelling it Annelei like [name_f]Loralei[/name_f]. Or Annelye. Maybe Annelai? I’m just not sure. Thoughts? :confused:

That’s a tough one…

Annalei seems the clearest option, but it still seems like it might confuse people at first.

Annalai seems clearest.

I think the name is going to be problematic. I don’t think any of the spellings are going to be free of spelling or prn issues.

Are you describing the name [name_f]Annaleigh[/name_f]/ [name_f]Annalee[/name_f] / [name_f]Annalie[/name_f]? With these spellings, it’s an established name. :slight_smile:

Personally I’d spell it [name_f]Annalie[/name_f], [name_f]Annalee[/name_f], or something to that effect, spelling it Annalei, Annalai or Annalye would make me think it was pronounced “anna-lay” or “anna-ley” rather than “anna-lee”

I know two women with this name, [name_f]Annaleigh[/name_f] and [name_f]Annalie[/name_f]. It’s really hard to choose, but I think I prefer [name_f]Annaleigh[/name_f].

Tough one but I would say Annelai/Annelei. Any other spelling and I would probably automatically say [name_f]Anna[/name_f]-lee

I know an Anaily :slight_smile: (pronounced anna-lee)

I would personally go for Annalai/Annelai. I’d pronounce it [name_f]Anne[/name_f]-Lie without thinking it it were spelt that way :slight_smile: