We’re expecting our first little one in [name]September[/name], but we don’t know if baby is a girl or boy yet. My top girl’s name so far is [name]Eliana[/name]. But I’m not sure which spelling I prefer. What do you think?
[name]Eliana[/name] is the original spelling of the Hebrew name, which means “God has answered” (according to other sites) DH & I love this meaning since we have been praying for this baby for a few years.
Alternative spelling: [name]Ellianna[/name] or Ellyanna or Ellyanne. Different sites state that with one of these spellings, the name is a combo of a name that starts with [name]El[/name] -like [name]Eleanor[/name], combined with [name]Anna[/name]. The meaning of the name changes to “light & grace” (the meanings of [name]Eleanor[/name] & [name]Anne[/name]). Although I prefer the meaning of the first spelling better, I like the combo spelling since it’s a combo of my mom’s name & mine ([name]Eleanor[/name] & [name]Susanne[/name]).
DH says we shouldn’t mess with the original, it’s easier to spell (he says) plus he likes the first meaning best too.
What do you berries think? Can I claim the first meaning even with the 2nd spelling? Which do you prefer?
Ideas for mns would be helpful too So far, I’ve thought of
Eliana/Ellianna Joy T
Eliana Claire T
Eliana Kathryn T
Thanks for your help!
You can still claim [name]Eliana[/name] as a combination of your two names ([name]El[/name] from your name and An from your mom’s name). I like [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Claire[/name]. GL!
Would you go with [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Suzette[/name]? [name]Suzette[/name] is a pet form of [name]Susanne[/name], and [name]Eliana[/name] is the prettiest spelling.
What is the pronunciation you think of with this name though? From what I know, the hebrew [name]Eliana[/name] is [name]Eli[/name]-[name]AH[/name]-na… so, unless you were looking for [name]Eli[/name]-[name]ANN[/name]-a, go with the singular N spelling.
I pronounce names ending with -[name]Ana[/name] different then most people so when I see [name]Eliana[/name] I see [name]El[/name]-ee-[name]ONa[/name], [name]Elianna[/name] is [name]El[/name]-ee-[name]ANa[/name] to me. But I know most people don’t agree with me on this so I’ll let it rest.
As for MNs, I just recently developed a name crush on the MN [name]Joy[/name] and was so tickled to see it here, however I don’t like it with [name]Eliana[/name] ([name]El[/name]-ee-[name]ANa[/name])
Have you considered [name]Eleana[/name]/[name]Eleanna[/name] to better incorporate [name]Eleanor[/name]? GASP! I’m suggesting a krie8tehv spelling, how horrible of me?
If I had to pick a middle I’d pick [name]Claire[/name], [name]Kathryn[/name] seems to clunky next to the visually beautiful [name]Eliana[/name]. I [name]DO[/name] absolutely [name]LOVE[/name] the PP’s suggestion of [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Suzette[/name], [name]Suzette[/name] is lovely and so underused.
[name]Eliana[/name] is the most streamlined spelled, and [name]IMO[/name], the prettiest. I think it certainly honors [name]Eleanor[/name] and [name]Suzanne[/name], and retains the meaning that means the most to you and your husband. [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Kathryn[/name] are both beautiful choices.
This post makes me smile so much. I want to use [name]Aliana[/name], because it’s a combination of my mother’s and nana’s middle names ([name]Ann[/name] and [name]Alice[/name]). I wouldn’t use Alianne, or in your case Ellyanne, because it reminds me too much of the word alien. In reality, I prefer the sound of [name]Eliana[/name] over [name]Aliana[/name], so it’s a beautiful name and congrads. I also prefer the spelling [name]Eliana[/name] over the other variations. I don’t see why you can’t share all the meanings, because they really are the same names.
I like the ring of [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Brook[/name]
but other suggestions:
[name]Eliana[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]
[name]Eliana[/name] [name]Kate[/name]
[name]Eliana[/name] [name]May[/name]
I also like your combination of [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Claire[/name].
[name]Eliana[/name] is just perfect the way it is. I like [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Joy[/name] - the meaning of both names together seems to fit your criteria perfectly…plus its a lovely combination. Congratulations!!!
I agree that [name]Eliana[/name] is the best option at least the way I see it, it’s a name in itself but also I do think it combines you family names and I think the meaning is beautiful especially if it has such a strong meaning to you, I’m not a religious person but I think it’s a great meaning and name and story for your child to grow up with.
Personally I like [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Joy[/name] best in names and flow alone but also the meanings flow so wonderfully, but regardless of what spelling or middle name you chose god has answered and brought you joy so congratulations!
I like both [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Joy[/name] and [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Claire[/name]. I think the first spelling and meaning is the best, [name]Eliana[/name].
I like [name]Eliana[/name] best! I think you could still say [name]Eliana[/name] was a combination of [name]Eleanor[/name] and [name]Susanne[/name]… Sure, it doesn’t have “[name]Anne[/name]” in it, but [name]Ana[/name] and [name]Anne[/name] are variations of [name]Anna[/name], so why not?
I like [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Claire[/name] the best from your options, followed by [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Joy[/name].
My favorite is actually [name]Elliana[/name], just because for some reason when I see [name]Eliana[/name] my brain always tries to read it as [name]Elaina[/name]. But I MUCH prefer [name]Eliana[/name] over any of the other spellings you listed. Also, I pronounce the endings ana and anna differently. [name]Ana[/name] would be ah-na, and [name]Anna[/name] would be ann-na. [name]Eliana[/name] [name]Claire[/name] is my favorite combo of yours, very classy!