Help with this name

I just threw out the girl name [name]Sidonie[/name] to DH and it wasn’t totally rejected (though he did think it reminded him of the soccer player [name]Zinedine[/name] Zidane, but I might be able to conquer that) :wink:

One question though – how would YOU pronounce the name? We are in the U.S. and I was thinking See-DOH-nee. But I’m not sure.

Our other DD is [name]Juliette[/name]. Let me know what you think.


When I first saw it, I thought - [name]How[/name] cute! Pretty, unique, nice looking in print. I would pronounce it Sih-DOH-nee.

Hmm I thought it was a different spelling of [name]Sydney[/name] and pronounced it as such. Then I read it as sidd-a-nee ([name]Sydney[/name] with an extra syllable!)


Seeh-doh-nee, Thats whats I think. It think its suxh a cute name!
Good luck!

I’m Australian so I immediately thought it was [name]Sydney[/name]+syllable. Sidd-ah-nee sounds wrong to me because I’m so used to [name]Sydney[/name]. I don’t particularly like the sound of sid-DOH-nee either… but that’s just me. If you love it, use it!

I would pronounce it Sih-[name]DOE[/name]-nee or si-DUH-nee (more like [name]Sidney[/name] with an brief “uh” sound before the “nee”). I think it’s a nice name, but I think those with less name knowledge will assume it’s a cre8tive spelling of [name]Sydney[/name]. People might hear the name and just think “[name]Sydney[/name]” so be prepared to correct them. Personally, I think that would be burdensome, but if you love the name, then it might be right for you.

I like this better than [name]Sydney[/name]. [name]Sidonie[/name] sounds fresh and refreshing. I think it sounds great with Julliett! GL!

I’d say sid-O-nee, or maybe sid-uh-nee. I agree that there might be some pronunciation and/or spelling issues, though I like this name much more than [name]Sydney[/name], and it works well with [name]Juliette[/name]. You may also like [name]Simone[/name]…

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I [name]LOVE[/name] this name, I prn, it Sih-doh-nee.
Are you going to call her [name]Sidonie[/name]? if not, the nn Sido is what I fell in love with in the first place!


Thanks for all the responses, everyone. I really like the name… my only glitch is that sometimes I do think of “Sit on me”… We’ll see if I can get DH to come around some more. For some reason I’m not as concerned about the [name]Sydney[/name] confusion. Maybe because I like the name [name]Sydney[/name], so it doesn’t really bother me.

We’re having such a hard time coming up with fresh new name ideas. He’s already vetoed the following of my faves:


Hopefully we’ll just have a boy, right? :slight_smile: (We’ve got that name all set – and we have since DD!)