
[name_m]Hi[/name_m] Berries.

[name_u]Baby[/name_u] #2 is due early summer and we need a name to compliment our son’s name [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] [name_m]Samuel[/name_m].

We’re sorted for a boys name but completely lost with girls.

So far hubby has said he likes
[name_f]Lillian[/name_f] nn [name_f]Lily[/name_f]

I like [name_f]Matilda[/name_f], [name_f]Tabitha[/name_f] nn [name_f]Tibby[/name_f], [name_f]Felicity[/name_f], [name_f]Imogen[/name_f]
But he’s not keen on any of these.

What do you think, are his choices stylish or dated (we’re in the UK if it makes a difference…?)
Is [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] too posh, too much? We’re not posh at all and I’m worried it feels a bit like we’re trying too hard.
Do you think any of them go well with Ezra?
Middle name suggestions?

Any other suggestions?

Oh, how I wish my husband would say he liked [name_f]Hazel[/name_f]! :slight_smile:

You have many lovely names to choose from. I have never known anyone named [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] before, it does not strike me as ‘posh’, it only makes me think of [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]. Maybe someone from the UK could better answer your question, sorry.

As for your other names, with [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] I like [name_f]Matilda[/name_f], [name_f]Lily[/name_f] and [name_f]Tabitha[/name_f] best.

[name_f]Hazel[/name_f] is my favourite choice, but I feel it may be too similar in sound to [name_m]Ezra[/name_m]. I also think that together [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] and [name_f]Imogen[/name_f] feel a bit vowel-y; and I have never cared for [name_f]Felicity[/name_f], it feels a much different style than [name_m]Ezra[/name_m].

Honestly, you can’t really go wrong with any of them though! [name_m]Just[/name_m] my advice :slight_smile:

I don’t think any of the names are dated – they all have a classic yet slightly modern feel to them. Also, I think all seven of them would work well with brother Ezra. That said perhaps Ezra and Beatrix might come across as a little pretentious to some in which case I’d think it would make the perfect middle name for you. I also think the the two Z’s in Ezra and Hazel might feel a little ‘matchy’?

Of your options, I like Lillian, Matilda and Imogen best all of which would work well with middle Beatrix. When thinking about the placing of Ezra (#359) in regard to popularity*, Lillian’s (#349) very close so that might be nice? Matilda (#47) and Imogen (#37) are rather popular there, which might be something you wish to stay away from (then again, Lily for Lillian is super-duper popular too…)?

*I was taking these numbers off a England/Wales popularity chart from 2012.

Edit: It seems Beatrix is much more popular (#272) over there than I thought, so perhaps it wouldn’t seem so pretentious afterall…? Ezra & Beatrix do make for a pretty great sibling duo (I like the Z and the X together).

I love [name_f]Lillian[/name_f] and [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f]!

I love [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f]! I’m not in the UK so I’m not familiar with whether or not it’s “too posh”. It’s just a lovely name to me and as a pp said, it reminds me of [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]. It sounds great with [name_m]Ezra[/name_m].

I don’t think [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] is too much, and it sounds great with [name_m]Ezra[/name_m]! If you both like it, go for it! I also really like [name_f]Hazel[/name_f] (the -z theme is cool), [name_f]Lillian[/name_f], & [name_f]Tabitha[/name_f] with your son’s name!

I’m in the UK and some of your choices do sound more private-schooly especially [name_f]Tabitha[/name_f]. They are all nice names though.

Nicknames are a good way to go when you like ‘posher’ names:

You could also use them in the middle spot.

[name_f]Lillian[/name_f] [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] [I think [name_f]Lillian[/name_f] works well for a fn]
[name_f]Julia[/name_f] [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f]
[name_f]Willa[/name_f] [name_f]Felicity[/name_f]

Or use variants:
[name_f]Aveline[/name_f] [variant of [name_f]Hazel[/name_f]]

Other random ideas:
[name_f]Louisa[/name_f] [somehow this is a classic name that doesn’t feel as posh. I think this is the feel I am trying to give this list.]

I’m not in the U.K. either but [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] is adored by many and not posh in my area.
We don’t really use the term, but use ‘bogun’ instead which no one seems to define.
and [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] is not on that list. It is just a lovely respected name.
I like [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] and Felicicty.
Sorry JMO you may want more [name_u]Brit[/name_u] opinions.

I am not in the UK so I can’t speak to the feel of your names from that perspective however I do find Hazel and Ezra too close. They have too many shared letters in just a two-syllable name for siblings. I second the suggestion of Aveline as an alternative. Lillian while pretty is very popular.

Some similar ideas:

Anything appeal? Good luck!

I am not in the UK so I can’t speak to the feel of your names from that perspective however I do find [name_f]Hazel[/name_f] and [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] too close. They have too many shared letters in just a two-syllable name for siblings. I second the suggestion of [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] as an alternative. [name_f]Lillian[/name_f] while pretty is very popular.

Some similar ideas:

Anything appeal? Good luck!

Thank you for all the replies. Still undecided!