Helpme pronounce Amaris

I like the meaning of [name_f]Amaris[/name_f] -Child of the moon and it is Hebrew so I may use it but I have heard A-Mahr-iss and A-mare-iss. Which is it?What do you think of it?

I would instinctively say ah [name_f]Mare[/name_f] iss, but I have never heard the name in real life before and I do not know what the correct or more ised pronunciation is.
I think it is such a lovely name, either pronunciation!

Oh boy. I know 3 females by this name.

One is Hispanic and says it something like “ah-madTH-is” (kinda hard to write what I mean)
One says it ah-[name_f]MAR[/name_f]-iss.
The third says “[name_m]Ah[/name_m]-[name_f]Mare[/name_f]-iss”…

so…no right or wrong? My first reaction would be to say ah-mare-iss…I do like the name and think that the pronunciation things don’t take away from the beauty of it.

I’m not sure, but I’d instinctively say A-[name_f]MAR[/name_f]-iss, like I say [name_u]Damaris[/name_u] as Duh-[name_f]MAR[/name_f]-iss. It is a pretty name.

I knew a girl with this name and she pronounced it as if it rhymed with ‘glamorous’

I’m not that great at pronouncing stuff but I think it is Am-mar-iss.

I say ah-mar-iss!
I prefer this pronunciation, it sounds prettier to me and less like [name_f]Mary[/name_f]