What do you think about the name? Can it stand apart from [name]Jimmy[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name]? I love it as a first name but I don’t want everyone to think I named my son after a rock star. My daughter’s name is [name]Everly[/name]-MOST people have never even heard of the [name]Everly[/name] Brothers(I had not until after I named her) but that might not help the situation.
My first boys name choice was [name]Casper[/name] but everyone tells me it could never stand apart from the friendly ghost =(
[name]Way[/name], way too connected to [name]Jimmy[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name]. It’s like naming your kid [name]Jagger[/name]. Very trendy and rock and roll wannabe. I would go with [name]Henry[/name] (or one of its variants such as [name]Hendrik[/name]) instead.
I think of 1) The prestigious college 30 minutes away from my house and 2) [name]Jimmy[/name].
Frankly, I would rather see [name]Casper[/name] be used because most kids don’t even know who [name]Casper[/name] is any more (at least not the ones at my daycare). I also like the suggestion of doing a different [name]Hen[/name]- name like [name]Hendrik[/name] or…
I really like [name]Hendrix[/name]. My first thought was of the college as well (my big bro went there and now my nephew). I think the only way to remove a name from an association is to use it. I think [name]Casper[/name] is in the same boat. You replace old associations when you forget or when you meet someone new.
I like the nicknames Henni and Rix.
I really love [name]Hendrix[/name] but think that with this iconic legend and the spelling of the name you will be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t make that association first. However, I think most of that association - at least to me - has to do with the distinctive spelling. Would an alternative spelling with the same sound appeal to you? Hendricks maybe? (I thought of it as it’s my friends last name.)
I would immediately think you named your son after [name]Jimmy[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name]. That being said, [name]Hendrix[/name] doesn’t have a bad sound to it. It feels like a modern twist on [name]Henry[/name]. [name]Hendrix[/name] is to [name]Henry[/name] as [name]Beatrix[/name] is to [name]Beatrice[/name]. : )
I much, much prefer [name]Casper[/name] to [name]Hendrix[/name]. [name]Casper[/name] seems very cool to me, while [name]Hendrix[/name] seems very try-hard. [name]Casper[/name] and [name]Everly[/name] would be an awesome sibset!
You guys had my thoughts exactly. I NEVER hear boys name that I instantly love and as soon as I heard another little boy with the name I fell in love with it and didn’t think of [name]Jimmy[/name] at first. But I do not want everyone thinking I named my child after some rock legend. [name]Casper[/name] is the only other boys name that I have loved and could picture “my” child being named. [name]Just[/name] like someone said I think it is a cool name but isn’t trying hard to be cool.
I agree that [name]Casper[/name] isn’t trying too hard… but [name]Hendrix[/name] is. That ghost cartoon was literally in our parents generation. For your son’s friends, he’ll be the only [name]Casper[/name] anyone will have ever met, and he will define the name. It definitely fits in with current naming styles (lots of occupational boy names ending with -er; [name]Caspian[/name] is on the rise, etc) so it’s not like you’re resurrecting an ancient classic that will land him squarely in tease-land (i.e., [name]Cadwallader[/name]).
People won’t think that you’re naming your son after [name]Jimi[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name], but they will think that you’re trying to evoke that rock-n-roll Bohemian vibe, and it comes across as “striver” to me. [name]Do[/name] you like the [name]Hen[/name]- sound? The -x ending? The surname vibe? If you can think hard about why you’re attracted to it, you can come up with reasonable substitutes.
I love [name]Hendrix[/name]… but I’m a music lover and like [name]Jimi[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name]. Also love [name]Bob[/name] [name]Marley[/name] so [name]Marley[/name] is on my list too
Is it really that big of a deal if people think of [name]Jimi[/name]? I’d rather people associate me with someone as cool as [name]Jimi[/name] [name]Hendrix[/name] than to think of [name]Casper[/name] the Friendly Ghost.
I like [name]Hendrix[/name] but if you want to avoid the [name]Jimi[/name] association why not go for [name]Hendrick[/name]?
I like it a lot. Yes, I instantly think of that [name]Hendrix[/name], but I think that’s okay. I really like [name]Casper[/name], too. They both go well with [name]Everly[/name], though I think [name]Casper[/name] might go with it a little more.