I’ve been getting a lot of flack from friends and family for my top baby name choice of [name]Henry[/name]. I was told that the name [name]Henry[/name] is reminiscent of an old man’s name or is nerdy. On top of that my neighbors gave me a weird look when I told them I was considering the name and my ultrasound tech said “well you don’t hear that name very often”. I would expect this type of reaction if I was considering one of the unusual trendy names…but not a classic name like [name]Henry[/name]. I would like an honest opinion of name and why you feel for or against it. This is my first baby so I wasn’t prepared for how critical some people can be about the name of my child.
I love [name]Henry[/name]! It is on our very short list. I don’t think it is nerdy or old manish. It is a classic-strong but soft. No matter what you choose, you can’t please everyone. What matters is that you like it. [name]Henry[/name] is actually popular in a lot of places, but obviously not in your area, and I think that’s a good thing. It’s a lot better than being one of 3 Jacobs or Ethans in a classroom or play group. Good luck!
I love [name]Henry[/name]! It’s my top boys’ name, and actually has been for a few years now. I’m only a teenager, so both my (teenage) siblings think it’s a little weird - brother thinks it’s “fancy”, and sister says it “sounds like an old man”. [name]Henry[/name] has a lot of charm to it though - classics tend to stand out in the trendy real world, and will endure throughout his life. (Can anyone visualize a 40 year old [name]Jayden[/name] or [name]Nevaeh[/name]? Not me.) I’d say if you love it, go for it.
Totally agree with pp, [name]Henry[/name] is classic and amazing. It’s absolutely adorable on a little boy, and appropriate for a grown man. I say go with it, no matter what name you choose, not everybody’s gonna be happy with it. And he’s your kid, so don’t worry about what those people say. [name]Henry[/name]'s a great name, I love to hear when people use it
I love this name. It was always my favorite name for a boy - it still is! I think it’s a strong, classic name. It’s actually getting fairly popular in some areas so this negative reaction surprises me.
I love [name]Henry[/name]! It’s on my own list. It’s classic and timeless and approachable–what’s not to like about [name]Henry[/name]?! I think it’s absolutely perfect, actually.
[name]Henry[/name] is actually in the top 100 (has never left the top 200 since the SSA list was created), so I don’t know why people are so surprised by it. [name]Henry[/name]'s a true classic.
Have you picked out a MN yet? I’m a bit curious since I always have troubles with a combo for [name]Henry[/name], haha.
Good luck!
The middle name is going to be [name]Riley[/name].
To me, [name]Henry[/name] is classic, timeless, classy, handsome and strong. It’s not trendy, and everyone know’s the name, but there aren’t many [name]Henry[/name]'s. I adore the name, and I think it ages really well.
It’s a GREAT name, and at least where we live (suburb outside NYC), it’s actually quite popular. I love it and would be very seriously considering using it for our own little guy if we didn’t have close friends that just had a [name]Henry[/name] a few month ago. [name]Don[/name]'t let others change your opinion about a name you love, you absolutely cannot go wrong with the name [name]Henry[/name]!
I agree with kimberlym. I live in [name]Tennessee[/name] and it is very popular here as well. I love the name, but my hesitation would be that it is perhaps too popular. [name]Henry[/name] is a great name!
Where on earth do you live? There’s nothing wrong with [name]Henry[/name]! In the UK it’s very popular as you can have the nickname [name]Harry[/name] (although with an American accent [name]Harry[/name] kind of sounds like “hairy”). Another nn could be [name]Hart[/name], which I just love soooo much!
I like it. I really want to use it, but my husband is on the “old man” train of thought.
Also he’s like “I know you will call him [name]Hank[/name] for short…” and it’s true, I would… but what’s wrong with [name]Hank[/name]? Hardly modern or girly either.
I love [name]Henry[/name].
[name]Henry[/name] is a classic and a great name. It is also popular-in the top 100 in the States.