Her Name is Augie Woo!

So I’m 28 weeks today with our second child, a little girl due in [name]March[/name]. DH and I had decided on her name, [name]Arwen[/name] [name]Louisa[/name], quite some time ago and we’ve been calling her by the pet name, [name]Ari[/name] [name]Lou[/name]. Well a few days ago our almost three year old little man, [name]Benton[/name] [name]Grover[/name], informed us that “his baby’s” name was [name]Augie[/name] Woo and no amount of persuading on our part was going to convince him otherwise. lol If someone asks him what his little sister’s name is going to be he tells them [name]Augie[/name] Woo. And now my parents have started referring to her as [name]Augie[/name] Woo! My poor child is going to be stuck with this crazy nickname for the rest of her life. LOL [name]Just[/name] thought I’d share. Anyone else have an older sibling or child who “named” their younger sibling?

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I’m 25 weeks due in [name]April[/name] with a little boy. My three year old daughter insists on [name]Daisy[/name]. She really wanted a sister…

Congrats and good luck!


[name]Daisy[/name] is super cute… for a little girl. :wink: Thank you! And the same to you!

I am due in 2 days and I have still not settled on a name…([name]LONG[/name] story)…my 4 year old gave me 2 options: [name]Flower[/name] [name]Petal[/name] and [name]Bat[/name]-Girl…currently–she is [name]Flower[/name] [name]Petal[/name] :wink:

I am praying we can decide before Friday…sigh.


Oooh, I don’t know. [name]Bat[/name] Girl is pretty rockin’. lol Good luck with the delivery and finding that perfect name!

Thank you so much…I hope so too! I hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly! This one has been pretty good pending the name issue–I wish I were less wishy-washy on girl’s names…if she were a boy I would have the perfect one…I have 2 boys and now this little girl. I hope that she “looks” like one of my names :slight_smile:

Girls names are definitely harder than boys! We had our son named before he was even conceived and before we were even married! Maybe it’ll just come to you once you finally meet her. :slight_smile:

My daughter decided a couple of months ago that her upcoming little sister’s name had to be [name]Chrysanthemum[/name]. Our last name has 13 letters in it, and I do not want to shackle my children with first names as burdensome.


Oh jesus… I thought this post was serious at first and was sat with my mouth on the floor lol!

My eldest boy has given me a couple of options to for the next baby: Optimus Prime, [name]Captain[/name] [name]America[/name] or Hulk!! My youngest suggestions include Peppa Pig, Roary Racing Car and Hulk Smash! x_X


Aww that is so cute.

At 3 I"named" my brother [name]Buster[/name] [name]Brown[/name]. I still call him [name]Buster[/name] but that’s it. My cousin wanted her brother to be [name]Bubba[/name] [name]Cletus[/name] (she was 5). My fiance argued long and hard for his 2nd brother to be [name]Grover[/name]. He loved Seasame [name]Street[/name]. His youngest brother got caught when there are three boys saying his name is [name]Oscar[/name] the Grouch. It stuck and his name is [name]Oscar[/name].

When my parents were trying to name my sister they were arguing between [name]Abby[/name] and [name]Erin[/name]. They finally decided on [name]Erin[/name] but my brother (3 at the time) INSISTED that [name]Abby[/name] was the superior name. For at least a few months after she was born he would tell anyone that would listen that his new baby sister’s name was [name]Abby[/name]. People were very confused why a 3 year old didn’t know his own sister’s name when my mom would correct him.

I think [name]Augie[/name] is a great name! Short for [name]August[/name]. My daughter [name]Autumn[/name] was almost [name]August[/name] & she gets Autie.
By the way adore your sons name!! I have an 8 week old boy named [name]Grover[/name]. Living in Australia gets strange reactions but we love it!
Good luck with your pregnancy.

So funny!