Hi, my name is Unique...

This is my very first thread!! I came across this really interesting article about how a person’s name can affect them. Thought you might like to read it - beware though, it’s three pages long :slight_smile:

Any thoughts?

[name]Hi[/name] [name]Lauren[/name]-[name]Kay[/name], this paragraph from the article just popped out loud and clear to me. It was so sad, I nearly cried :frowning: Thank you for sharing!

Increasingly, children are also named for prized possessions. In 2000, birth certificates revealed that there were 298 Armanis, 269 Chanels, 49 Canons, 6 Timberlands, 5 Jaguars and 353 girls named [name]Lexus[/name] in the U.S. The trend is not surprising: In an era in which children are viewed as accessories, such names telegraph our desire for creative, social or material success. It would be ironic if young [name]Jaguar[/name] or [name]Lexus[/name] grew up to drive a Honda Accord..

Here are some other quotes from the article that stood out and received my notice (not in a good way, mind you). What does it say about our modern society?
“Cruelty is more sophisticated now.”
“Resumes with white-sounding names generated twice as many callbacks”.

Let’s end on a happier note…
Whether people swoon over”or even disdain”our name is beyond our control. Ultimately, self-esteem and the esteem of the world dictate the degree to which we hold our name dear.

Interesting article, thanks for sharing.

[name]Mischa[/name]- That bit is sad, but I wonder if there could be an alternate explaination for some of those names. It could be not so much the parents thinking of the kids as accessories, as the parents hoping that the kids are able to achieve more financial success. They may just be aspirational names used by lower income parents who are hoping their kids are able to do better financially. At least that’s what I like to think. I don’t really care for those names, but I can understand the idea of wanting more for your kids.

The findings about the resumes are very sad.

Thanks again for sharing

I actually like the name [name]Chanel[/name] and hate it that upon hearing the name one immediately thinks of [name]Chanel[/name] # 5 or a [name]Chanel[/name] suit.

The other names mentioned - not so much. I’ve read some truly horrendous names in the newborn section of our newspaper and I always wonder if those kids will grow up to resent their parents for naming them Aloha (actual name in last week’s paper) or [name]Armani[/name] or [name]Cougar[/name] or whatever outrageous name they can conjure up.

[name]Cougar[/name]?! Gah! That’s a terrible thing to call a child. Especially given it’s current meaning.
Thanks for your comments and taking the time to read the article :slight_smile:
It made me sad too, to read about people viewing their children as accessories. It’s awful to think that the issue with the resumes still exists.

[name]Calypso[/name], some of the horrendous names that have cropped up in NZ include Number 16 Bus Shelter, Zealand-New and [name]Talula[/name] Does The Hula From [name]Hawaii[/name]. I’m not kidding. Thankfully the justice system has some sense and made the parents change them.

Thanks again for replying to my very thread! So exciting