Re: [name]Hilary[/name]/[name]Hillary[/name]
by -sarah- on Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:40 pm
I love this name – I do believe the decline has to do with it so single-handedly being associated with one person (a similar thing probably happened to [name]Brittany[/name], though [name]Hilary[/name] is much nicer and much more tasteful than [name]Brittany[/name], so I hestitate to even make the comparison). Over time, this association will wane. For a baby named [name]Hilary[/name], I doubt very much that by the time she is an adult that [name]Hilary[/name] [name]Clinton[/name] will be in the forefront of anyone’s mind, regardless of their political leanings.
ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY! This is exactly what I thought. No one will think this in 20 years when my daughter reaches the work force.
Re: [name]Hilary[/name]/[name]Hillary[/name]
by redridinghood on Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:19 pm
Purple state??? This is a political reference, presumably? I would have thought that [name]Hilary[/name] [name]Clinton[/name] was a good female role model, whatever your political affiliations - personally, I hated the politics of [name]Margaret[/name] [name]Thatcher[/name], but I thought she was a good role model and a very strong woman.
Yes, political reference. [name]Red[/name] (Republican) +[name]Blue[/name] (Democrat)=Purple. The US is a bit crazy in this respect
I agree with you about having a strong female role model, but I think there are a LOT of things about HRC that just turn people off. Too bad, she is a smart woman and has done pretty well in her own political career. Secretary of State is nothing to sneeze at, and she was THIS.CLOSE to being the Democratic nominee and likely would have won.
But I am really surprised that children would get teased about the name [name]Hilary[/name] - you must raise your kids to be very precociously politically aware!!!
No, but we have some crazy parents who say horrible things about politicians to their children - teaching them that they are the Great Satan and all that.
I like the name [name]Hilary[/name], whichever way you spell it. I feel it is strong yet feminine, serious but with a happy meaning. [name]Love[/name] [name]Evie[/name] too, but [name]WAY[/name] too popular over here!
So funny - I have run across only one [name]Evie[/name] over here. Interesting how naming trends are so different in different parts of the world!