Looking for some outside input into our list. Here it is! [name]Feel[/name] free to be as brutally honest as you like: all comments are appreciated and valued! Our surname is Drinkwater and older siblings are [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks, [name]Val[/name]
Boy: (middle name to be [name]Henry[/name])
Although we don’t quite have the same taste in names… I like [name]Lucas[/name] and [name]Adam[/name] from your boys list, and [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Delilah[/name] from your girls list. All very nice!
If we have a little girl, her middle name will be [name]Abigayle[/name], after my mother, [name]Gayle[/name]. Such a pretty name
I don’t generally care for very common names like this, but I’ve always thought [name]Lucas[/name] and [name]Adam[/name] were very nice. Really like the nn [name]Luke[/name]!
Boy: (middle name to be [name]Henry[/name])
[name]Robin[/name] - I don’t really like this name for either gender. With [name]Robin[/name] and [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Joel[/name] is a little left out of the nature theme.
[name]Marcus[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Marcus[/name] alone and with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name], and with the surname, and with the middle name. Good choice!
Albus - just doesn’t seem like a real name
[name]Remus[/name] - same
[name]Lewis[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]. Wasn’t it on your list for [name]Joel[/name]? I still think it’s a great fit
[name]Lucas[/name] - a little too overdone to me where it has lost its interest
[name]Adam[/name] - ok
[name]Colin[/name] - ok
[name]Charlie[/name] - I like [name]Charlie[/name] (would have to be [name]Charles[/name] nn [name]Charlie[/name] to go with the middle don’t you think?)
[name]Nigel[/name] - so very British, esp with the surname! ok but not as good as [name]Marcus[/name] and [name]Lewis[/name] imo
Girl: (middle name undecided)
[name]Phoebe[/name] - I love [name]Phoebe[/name]. Maybe not totally perfect with [name]Daisy[/name] because of the similar endings but I wouldn’t let this stop me if I were you.
[name]Abigail[/name] - a favorite of mine but a bit overdone. Not as interesting as [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]
[name]Rachel[/name] - ok
[name]Hattie[/name] - love [name]Hattie[/name] as a nn but I wish there were a full name I liked enough to use for it. Unlike [name]Daisy[/name], I have trouble seeing [name]Hattie[/name] as the given name.
[name]Tessa[/name] - great fit with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]. Really fun and spunky but not hard to take seriously.
[name]Georgia[/name] - ok
[name]Lucy[/name] - the omnipresence caused [name]Lucy[/name] to lose her shine imo
[name]Ruby[/name] - I know I’m in the minority but I just don’t see the appeal of this name. It’s not pretty written down, the UB sound isn’t pleasant, I don’t think it grows up well, it seems brassy or cheap to me.
[name]Flora[/name] - beautiful name but not sure about sisters [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Flora[/name]
[name]Dahlia[/name] - really lovely but again, not sure about [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Dahlia[/name]. They’re both flowers, they both start with Da, and at the same time have such different connotations (the bright, fresh [name]Daisy[/name] and the dark, mysterious [name]Dahlia[/name]) that they are too match-y and clash at the same time.
[name]Delilah[/name] - I don’t like the connotation, the matching D initial or the popularity of the double L names ([name]Lily[/name], [name]Lila[/name], [name]Leela[/name], [name]Lola[/name], etc)
Favorites: [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Joel[/name], [name]Marcus[/name] and [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Joel[/name], [name]Tessa[/name]
For boys from your list i like the names
[name]Lucas[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater
[name]Colin[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater
[name]Charlie[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater (or maybe [name]Charles[/name] [name]Henry[/name]?)
[name]Tessa[/name] Drinkwater (lovely!)
[name]Abigail[/name] Drinkwater
[name]Hattie[/name] Drinkwater (usually wouldnt go with this name but i like it with your ln)
[name]Lucy[/name] Drinkwater (cute!)
[name]Ruby[/name] Drinkwater
Now I do like [name]Delilah[/name] but i think it might trap you a bit in D names and also same thing with [name]Dahlia[/name] but also it might not be good if you have another girl and you can not come up with another D and flower name , but other than those small complications i think both would make cute sib-sets with your two! All the best!
[name]Hi[/name], I really like [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]! Thoughts on your list:
[name]Robin[/name] - I wouldn’t repeat the nature theme, it leaves [name]Joel[/name] the odd one out
[name]Marcus[/name] - I love [name]Marcus[/name]! It works with the mn, the ln, and with the siblings’ names!
Albus - it doesn’t match [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name], style-wise
[name]Remus[/name] - see Albus
[name]Lewis[/name] - [name]Lewis[/name] is almost as fantastic as [name]Marcus[/name]! I just happen to like [name]Marcus[/name] better
[name]Lucas[/name] - tied with [name]Marcus[/name] for my favorite of your list
[name]Adam[/name] - it works just as well as [name]Marcus[/name], [name]Lewis[/name] and [name]Lucas[/name], but I don’t get as excited about it as those three. I see it as a name from my generation (which of course it’s not, it’s timeless, but that’s what I think when I see it)
[name]Colin[/name] - similar feelings as [name]Adam[/name]
[name]Charlie[/name] - I would prefer [name]Charles[/name], nn [name]Charlie[/name], but then [name]Charles[/name] [name]Henry[/name] feels a little stuffy with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]
[name]Nigel[/name] - I’m wouldn’t use as it has the same ending as [name]Joel[/name]. Otherwise, I love it!
[name]Phoebe[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this name! I think it works well with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]
[name]Abigail[/name] - Also love! [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Abby[/name] would be cute together!
[name]Rachel[/name] - see [name]Nigel[/name]
[name]Hattie[/name] - I would prefer [name]Harriet[/name], nn [name]Hattie[/name], but then that’s a little too formal with a sister named [name]Daisy[/name]
[name]Tessa[/name] - Gorgeous!
[name]Georgia[/name] - I think it’s a little frilly with [name]Daisy[/name]
[name]Lucy[/name] - It’s perfect with your other children! I don’t know if popularity is an issue for you, but if you love it, use it!
[name]Ruby[/name] - If popularity of [name]Lucy[/name] is troubling you, I think [name]Ruby[/name] would be a great second choice
[name]Flora[/name] - see [name]Robin[/name]
[name]Dahlia[/name] - see [name]Robin[/name]
[name]Delilah[/name] - I like this name but I worry that [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Delilah[/name] will leave [name]Joel[/name]'s name looking like the odd one out.
My favorites:
Boys: [name]Marcus[/name] and [name]Lucas[/name]
Girls: [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Tessa[/name], [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ruby[/name]
Boy: (middle name to be [name]Henry[/name])
[name]Robin[/name] no
[name]Marcus[/name] just ok
Albus no
[name]Remus[/name] no
[name]Lewis[/name] yes
[name]Lucas[/name] yes
[name]Adam[/name] no
[name]Colin[/name] yes
[name]Charlie[/name] no
[name]Nigel[/name] no
Girl: (middle name undecided)
[name]Phoebe[/name] cut, but childish
[name]Abigail[/name] yes
[name]Rachel[/name] yes
[name]Hattie[/name] no
[name]Tessa[/name] yes
[name]Georgia[/name] no
[name]Lucy[/name] yes
[name]Ruby[/name] NO
[name]Flora[/name] no
[name]Dahlia[/name] no
[name]Delilah[/name] no
My favorites are [name]Lewis[/name], [name]Lucas[/name], [name]Tessa[/name], [name]Abigail[/name], and [name]Phoebe[/name]
[name]Hi[/name] [name]Val[/name], hope you and your family are well! Here are my opinions on your name list with my faves in bold! Take care! Regards, [name]Mischa[/name].
Boy: (middle name to be [name]Henry[/name])
[name]Robin[/name] - Too themey with [name]Daisy[/name]. [name]Joel[/name] would be left out! [name]Marcus[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this name. Strong and masculine. [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Joel[/name] and [name]Marcus[/name] would all have unique names with different endings! My fave on your list!
Albus - Pass
[name]Remus[/name] - See Albus [name]Lewis[/name] - I prefer the [name]Louis[/name] spelling but I like [name]Lewis[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater! [name]Lucas[/name] - Popular but still a great name with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]. Second fave on your list.
[name]Adam[/name] - OK but kind of boring [name]Colin[/name] - Very distinguished name. I love [name]Colin[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater! Third fave on your list.
[name]Charlie[/name] - No, rhymes with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Charles[/name] [name]Henry[/name] is just too much royalty!
[name]Nigel[/name] - Very English but I like this name.
Girls:(middle name undecided)
[name]Phoebe[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this name but it rhymes with [name]Daisy[/name].
[name]Abigail[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this Biblical gem even if
[name]Rachel[/name] - OK
[name]Hattie[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this cute name but only as a nn for [name]Harriet[/name].
[name]Tessa[/name] - Not my taste. [name]Georgia[/name] - [name]Love[/name] the [name]George[/name] names for girls.
[name]Lucy[/name] - See [name]Phoebe[/name]
[name]Ruby[/name] - See [name]Phoebe[/name]
[name]Flora[/name] - Nice enough name but too much of a floral theme going with [name]Daisy[/name].
[name]Dahlia[/name] - See [name]Flora[/name]
[name]Delilah[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this name but [name]Delilah[/name] Drinkwater is a bit of a mouthful!
Summary : Fave Boys are [name]Marcus[/name], [name]Lucas[/name], [name]Colin[/name] and [name]Nigel[/name]. Fave girl is just [name]Georgia[/name]!
[name]Hi[/name]! : D. Some thoughts follow. All best!
Boy: (middle name to be [name]Henry[/name])
[name]Robin[/name] - this is too feminine a name for me given you generally like clear-gendered names. [name]Robert[/name] nn [name]Robin[/name] would fit well.
[name]Marcus[/name] - great fit
Albus - sounds out of place, [name]Joel[/name] and [name]Daisy[/name] are to me a little mildly old-chic to me but this is way older than that.
[name]Remus[/name] - way too much teasing potential.
[name]Lewis[/name] - great fit
[name]Lucas[/name] - more popular than the others, but works
[name]Adam[/name] - see [name]Lucas[/name]
[name]Colin[/name] - more Irish than the others, but works
[name]Charlie[/name] - too nicknamey, only as a nickname for [name]Charles[/name], which would be fine.
[name]Nigel[/name] - too many -el endings with [name]Joel[/name], I think.
Girl: (middle name undecided)
[name]Phoebe[/name] - little rhyming with [name]Daisy[/name], but OK
[name]Abigail[/name] - lots of -l with [name]Joel[/name], but OK
[name]Rachel[/name] - too many -l / maybe a little too serious next to [name]Daisy[/name], but OK, but not the best
[name]Hattie[/name] - only as a nickname for [name]Harriet[/name] for me
[name]Tessa[/name] - love this with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]!
[name]Georgia[/name] - this name is too close to [name]Joel[/name] for my taste, although I do love it
[name]Lucy[/name] - rhyme-y with [name]Daisy[/name], but I do like it OK for the set. [name]Lucinda[/name]/[name]Lucia[/name]?
[name]Ruby[/name] - I like this name, but like with [name]Robin[/name], kind of word-name-y with [name]Daisy[/name]
[name]Flora[/name] - it is a touch much with [name]Daisy[/name], but doesn’t bother me too much, it’s OK
[name]Dahlia[/name] - too much with [name]Daisy[/name], two D flowers
[name]Delilah[/name] - even though this name is beautiful and I’m not traditionally religious and know all the reasons I should shake the bad association, I can’t, and I won’t be alone (although from what I’ve read here on other threads I do suspect it’s the minority view). If I saw this name on a little girl I would make assumptions about her parents’ views about the Bible and religion. Consciously, I know assumptions are bad and I might be wrong and I would take steps to make sure I didn’t act differently based on that assumption, but unconsciously, I wouldn’t be able to help doing it, and some people wouldn’t be as conscientious about that whole dynamic as I would be. I think it’s a name that could have some potential cost to the child. If you love it use it, but please be very aware of its implications.
Boy: (middle name to be [name]Henry[/name])
[name]Robin[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: [name]Robin[/name] is kind of unisex, but [name]Joel[/name] is masculine and [name]Daisy[/name] is femenine, so I don’t think [name]Robin[/name] stands up to the others.
[name]Marcus[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: Very nice combo! [name]Love[/name] it.
Albus [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: ok, but doesn’t dazzle the eye or ear. Its not too out there to use imo, but just ok.
[name]Remus[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: [name]Seamus[/name] is better imo. Uncle [name]Remus[/name] is an [name]Adam[/name] Sandler connection I think from “Waterboy” or “Wedding Singer” or something… maybe, so definitely not my cup of tea.
[name]Lewis[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: see [name]Marcus[/name]
[name]Lucas[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: the hars “c” followed by the “k” isn’t appealing, but not bad, I like [name]Lewis[/name] better.
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: I don’t care for [name]Adam[/name] with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name], kinda plain-jane in comparison.
[name]Colin[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater:see [name]Lucas[/name], I like [name]Calvin[/name], [name]Callum[/name], and [name]Cavan[/name] if you are keen for “c” names.
[name]Charlie[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: Using [name]Charlie[/name] instead of [name]Charles[/name] is as British as using [name]Charles[/name], its cute.
[name]Nigel[/name] [name]Henry[/name] Drinkwater: Distinguised scholar.
Girl: (middle name undecided)
[name]Phoebe[/name] Drinkwater: okay but I’d skip names with the same end sound as [name]Daisy[/name].
[name]Abigail[/name] Drinkwater: Nice on its own, but doesn’t fit with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]
[name]Rachel[/name] Drinkwater: too “hard” feeling
[name]Hattie[/name] Drinkwater: love it even with the same end sound as [name]Daisy[/name]. I know [name]Hadley[/name] nn [name]Hattie[/name] if [name]Hattie[/name] is too nickname-y on its own.
[name]Tessa[/name] Drinkwater: Maybe the ticket, just lovely!
[name]Georgia[/name] Drinkwater: I personally love this for your sibset. [name]Georgia[/name] isn’t frilly to me.
[name]Lucy[/name] Drinkwater: I can’t get behind [name]Lucy[/name] for some reason.
[name]Ruby[/name] Drinkwater: not my fav with [name]Daisy[/name].
[name]Flora[/name] Drinkwater: there may be flora in drinkwater, so no.
[name]Dahlia[/name] Drinkwater: really attractive, a little much being a “D” flower name, but not a deal breaker since it is just so pretty.
[name]Delilah[/name]: nice name, not sure what “connotations” there are to worry about (samson and delilah, really? Who cares?) It is another “D” name, so that might be reason to go with something else.
I like-- [name]Marcus[/name] and [name]Lewis[/name];
[name]Tessa[/name], [name]Georgia[/name], and even [name]Dahlia[/name].
P.S. I really like [name]Lydia[/name] with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name], forgot to add it to my earlier post. You may not like the “d” in there, but I just wanted to suggest it since, imo, it feels like [name]Dahlia[/name] and [name]Delilah[/name] without the flowery/nature/or bad connotation to contend with. I think [name]Lydia[/name] Drinkwater is very pretty
Boy: (middle name to be [name]Henry[/name])
[name]Robin[/name] – I think it’s a nice handsome name, but it has gone too girly.
[name]Marcus[/name] – Great flow with [name]Daisy[/name] & [name]Joel[/name]. Personally I don’t care for this name, but that’s just my opinion. It’s not bad.
Albus – Hate hate hate this name. I know it’s a real name, but it just seems made up and fanciful due to the HP connection.
[name]Remus[/name] – [name]Don[/name]'t like it in the sibset at all. I don’t like it much either.
[name]Lewis[/name] – Another name that I just don’t personally care for. I also wonder what it’s like for a kid right now to grow up with [name]Lewis[/name] as a name. It just seems a bit week.
[name]Lucas[/name] – See [name]Marcus[/name] above. Not bad, good flow, just nms.
[name]Adam[/name] – I like [name]Adam[/name], but I don’t love [name]Adam[/name]. [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Joel[/name], and [name]Adam[/name] sound great.
[name]Colin[/name] – Cute! Good sibset.
[name]Charlie[/name] – Another one that isn’t my style. I like the flow really well in the sibset though.
[name]Nigel[/name] – [name]Stuffy[/name].
Girl: (middle name undecided)
[name]Phoebe[/name] – Cute and quirky. Works great with [name]Daisy[/name] & [name]Joel[/name].
[name]Abigail[/name] – Very pretty and sweet. I also see it with [name]Daisy[/name] & [name]Joel[/name].
[name]Rachel[/name] – This is my name. I think it flows well with the siblings, although I think it’s just an okay name. She’ll have spelling problems all her life, because I do.
[name]Hattie[/name] – I don’t care for this. It’s just old-fashioned in a weird way to me.
[name]Tessa[/name] – Gorgeous! One of my top 10. [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Joel[/name], & [name]Tessa[/name]… Maybe not as perfect a sibset as some of the others, but it’s still really pretty.
[name]Georgia[/name] – I like this name on a character in a novel, but I don’t like it on a real person for some reason. Plus I don’t like it with [name]Joel[/name].
[name]Lucy[/name] – Growing on me, but I’m not there yet. Excellent in the sibset.
[name]Ruby[/name] – So beautiful! [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Joel[/name], and [name]Ruby[/name] is awesome!
[name]Flora[/name] – I don’t like it much, plus I think it is too cutesy with [name]Daisy[/name].
[name]Dahlia[/name] – I really don’t like [name]Daisy[/name] & [name]Dahlia[/name] together.
[name]Delilah[/name] – She’s such a bad girl of the Bible I can’t get past that.