Honest Opinion on these Names

In my first post, I was looking for a brother name to my daughter [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] [name_f]Claire[/name_f]. I took the suggestions, showed them to my husband and we made a list of the names we liked with the names that we already had. Now we need your honest opinions on these names.


Well, I really like [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m]. It’s sophisticated and classic to me. I like the diminutive [name_m]Bastian[/name_m] even better–being cuter and lighter. I [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t think it goes as well with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] as I might like if I were naming a sibling for her. I don’t know if that’s important to you or not

For me [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] and [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] are a bit ninetys. [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] is more usuable to me, but is rather over used I guess, for my taste. [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] just isn’t my style–i don’t feel like it fits little boys very well. But that’s just me. [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] is cute, I like it with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u], and I think it would age well. [name_m]Issac[/name_m] is very cute too, and also good over time, but Im not sure if I think it goes with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] as well as I think [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] does, and it’s a bit popular for my own personal use–[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] I like about the same as I like [name_u]Hudson[/name_u]. I would probably pick one of those two to go with a sister [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] if I were naming from your list.

There is the sweetest boy in a preschool I work at named [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m]. I would have thought it was a bit harsh for a little guy but he carries it so well. It definitely can work from baby-adult!

[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] makes me think of the 90’s.

[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] is my pick and it goes well with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u].

[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] is a popular pet name where I live; most likely due to living along the [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] river.

It may depend upon where you live, but in my area [name_m]Issac[/name_m] is a name used within a very specific ethnic/cultural group. That may be irrelevant to you and hubs (especially as I don’t know your heritage or culture) but it is what comes to mind when I think of the name.

[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] is another great pick and not often used.

Good luck!

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] - love.
[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] - I prefer [name_u]Camden[/name_u], another Scottish name with a nicer meaning. feels a bit fresher to me.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - love.
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] - like.
[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] - love.
[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] - unfortunately this only makes me think of [name_m]Dawson[/name_m]'s Creek, which I realize is a dated reference. But I still can’t shake it. Points for being the most unique though.

With [name_u]Hadley[/name_u], my favorite is [name_u]Spencer[/name_u], though I could see Haddie and [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] or Haddie and [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m]. I also like my suggestion of [name_u]Camden[/name_u]. :slight_smile: Good luck!

[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] is my favourite with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]. Although, I love all your choices. I just feel like it’s the best fit stylistically.

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] - [name_u]Love[/name_u] this. I do prefer [name_m]Bastian[/name_m]. Not sure how well it fits with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u].
[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] - I like this. I have a friend with this name. It’s a little dated. It’s definitely a boys name to me but I agree with a PP that [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] might be mistaken for a girl.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - I’m not a huge fan of [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] but I like the way it sounds with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u].
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] - It sounds nice with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] if you don’t mind the multiple H names (which is something I personally don’t like)
[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] - I love [name_m]Isaac[/name_m]. [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] & [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] sound okay together.
[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] - [name_u]Love[/name_u] this. It’s unusual and sounds nice with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u].

I like:

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] - my favorite
[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] - dated
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - tied in 2nd place
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] - love this name but the Had and the Hud are too similar in my opinion
[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] - not the best pairing w/ [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]
[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] - tied in 2nd place

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] - love! I never seem to be able to stick to it when I consider [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] as a FN for my own list, but I love seeing it on others’, and I love some of the nns! [name_m]Seb/name_m, [name_m]Bas[/name_m], [name_m]Baz[/name_m], Bash, [name_m]Bastian[/name_m], [name_m]Ian[/name_m], [name_u]Ash[/name_u], etc… they’re all so cool! I love [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] together, too; I’ve always loved [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] for a girl, but I think it gets a bad rap a lot of the time–I think [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] helps elevate [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]'s persona, and [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] feel very literary and spunky together for me! I think of [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] [name_m]Hemingway[/name_m] ([name_m]Hemingway[/name_m]'s wife), and [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] from [name_m]Shakespeare[/name_m]'s Twelfth [name_m]Night[/name_m]. I just really like them together, and this easily gets my vote!
[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] - I know two little boy Camerons, so I wouldn’t have assumed [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] were sisters, but I can see why some would get that impression. I do love the nn [name_u]Cam[/name_u] for a little boy, though, and otherwise, I think this would be a very nice option.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - like it a lot, although I agree that [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] are too unisex together.
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] - like a lot, and I think [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] work really well together.
[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] - like a lot, and I think [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] are really great together! I think this one is my second choice. :slight_smile:
[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] - I think it’s a nice name, but I like [name_m]Dalton[/name_m] much more, just because of a [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] I grew up with. He was actually a really great guy, but weird enough that I just wouldn’t want to name a son after him, and I can’t shake the reference, lol. [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] is nice, but I like all your other options more.

I would rank them as [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m], [name_m]Isaac[/name_m], [name_u]Hudson[/name_u], [name_u]Cameron[/name_u], [name_u]Spencer[/name_u], and [name_m]Dawson[/name_m], in order from favorite to least favorite. :slight_smile: Both in general, and as a little brother to [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]/Haddie.

Good luck!

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] is my favorite from your list. You couldn’t go wrong with that name in my opinion. I think it works well with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] because they both have the same soft “a” sound in them. I would probably find myself swooning over those names paired together if I met a [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] and [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] in real life!
I’m neutral about the rest. They don’t really stand out to me but I don’t dislike them either. I do agree that [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] is a tad dated.

[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] and [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] go best with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]. I’m not worried about [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] starting with the same letter as [name_u]Hadley[/name_u], as they sound different enough. I also like [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] though it’s not really the same style as [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]. I agree with earlier posters that I would assume [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] was [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]'s sister.

I really like [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_u]Spencer[/name_u], as well as [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_u]Hudson[/name_u]. I like [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] but I don’t necessarily love [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] as siblings. The others are just ok.

I like [name_m]Dawson[/name_m], [name_u]Spencer[/name_u], and [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] the best with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] is the only name on the list I love and feel is more distinct. It’s one of those classics that isn’t overdone. The others seem too common or last-namey to me. [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] still carries the heavy image of the show and character. [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] would be my second favorite, more for the scientist than the biblical reference.


Of the names listed, I like [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] best. Honestly, [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] and [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] would make me think they were her sisters rather than brothers. I think [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] sounds really great together too. My final vote is for [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m], though.

I like [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] and [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] from your list the best.



Hmm. For me, [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] is a very non-traditional girl’s name, so I would choose a non-traditional boy’s name to go w/it, which, as much as I like [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m], eliminates it for me. Likewise, [name_m]Isaac[/name_m]'s biblical roots don’t seem to fit the same style as [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]. [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] is still linked w/[name_m]Dawson[/name_m]'s Creek (even an old geezer like me thinks of the show whenever I hear the name [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] :slight_smile: ). And I’m not a fan of using the same initial for multiple children, so no [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] for me.

I noticed from your signature that you call your daughter Haddie as a nn, so I would pick a boy’s name that also has nn potential. So…

[name_u]Hadley[/name_u] & [name_u]Spencer[/name_u]; Haddie & [name_u]Spence[/name_u]
[name_u]Hadley[/name_u] & [name_u]Cameron[/name_u]; Haddie & [name_u]Cam[/name_u]

Good luck!

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] – It’s ok. I seem to like it as a MN but not FN.
[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] – I like it!
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] – my least favorite boy’s name of all time! Seriously… I just strongly dislike it.
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] – This used to be on my list actually, but my husband took it off (lol). I like that it is classic, but unique, strong but not too “tough”.
[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] – I have never liked this name.
[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] – I have wanted to use this, as it mixes 2 family members names into one… but I would use as a MN. As a FN, it’s ok…

My favorites on your list would be [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] & [name_u]Cameron[/name_u].

You’ve gotten some lovely suggestions! (: [name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] [name_f]Claire[/name_f].

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] - My front runner for a boy, but it is rather traditional next to [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]!
[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] - Not my style, but it’s OK.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - I like it with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]!
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] - Too similar to [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] [name_f]IMO[/name_f].
[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] - Again, traditional compared to [name_u]Hadley[/name_u], but nice name.
[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] - My favourite from your list with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u]!! [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] & [name_m]Dawson[/name_m] make a lovely sibset.

My vote goes to [name_m]Dawson[/name_m]. You have a great list though! The only one I am not fond of is [name_m]Isaac[/name_m]. [name_u]Cameron[/name_u] is my husbands name so it is manly to me and I love it. [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] would get my 2nd vote as long as you are ok with 2 H names.

[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] - a handsome name, not sure it really goes with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u], but a cool name nonetheless
[name_u]Cameron[/name_u] - I’m not very fond of this for either sex. Feels a bit flat to me.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u] - I like this one a lot. Uncommon but handsome. Goes well with [name_u]Hadley[/name_u].
[name_u]Hudson[/name_u] - [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] is a bit cutesy but they go together well
[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] - love the name [name_m]Isaac[/name_m]. Definitely my favorite from your list. Maybe not as obvious a sibling for [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] but you could do a more unique middle.
[name_m]Dawson[/name_m] - it’s okay, honestly, it’s a bit … boy band I guess. Makes me think of [name_m]Dawson[/name_m]'s Creek and teenage drama.

[name_m]Isaac[/name_m] or [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] would be my pick. Though [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] and [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] are cute if you’re into that.