Honest Opinions on Hialeah

I have been thinking a lot about the name [name_f]Hialeah[/name_f]. It has so much going on for it, a soft sounding first syllable along with the even softer [name_f]Leah[/name_f]. It’s very different but it has a very usable and well used nickname of [name_f]Leah[/name_f]. The city in [name_f]Florida[/name_f] is a relatively nice place and is very warm, so what is wrong… Is the association with the racetrack and also the connection to the Cities of [name_f]Hialeah[/name_f] and [name_f]Hialeah[/name_f] Gardens just too much for this name to be considered? Please share honest opinions! (If you are wondering how it is pronounced its hi-ya-lee-a) :slight_smile:

I’m from [name_f]Canada[/name_f], which may or may not explain why I’ve never seen [name_f]Hialeah[/name_f] before. When I saw the subject line I assumed it was a smush that you made up (apologies for my ignorance!). As its real-life usability is concerned I think a lot would depend on the surname - it sounds so soft that I think it would be best balanced out by something that sounds more grounded, if that makes sense. It sounds kind of like two names put together, so I feel it would be pretty likely to be nicknamed either Hia or [name_f]Leah[/name_f], both of which feel pretty usable, and which you sound OK with. From the listing I gather that it comes from a first nations group - is it the name of a tribe? If so, I might not want to use it if I had no connection to that tribe. But if its origin has been diluted beyond that, that may not be a big problem.

I don’t see the appeal. It just sounds like, and (by me, at least) would be mistaken as Hiya, [name_f]Leah[/name_f]. I’m British so I don’t know of the [name_f]Florida[/name_f] city and gardens.

I too thought it was made up and sounds a lot like Hiya [name_f]Leah[/name_f]! I am not familiar with the place associations, which actually makes it even less usable as anyone who is familiar with the name will probably be so because of those places and you’d get “oh like the gardens / [name_f]Florida[/name_f]?”, which actually might just be a personal peeve. It might not bother you.

But yeah, by sound alone, I’d say no. There are tons of names that end in [name_f]Leah[/name_f], lea, lia, though if you’re finding yourself drawn to that sound.

I think you would be correcting a lot of people on the name and spelling. But when you sounded out the name in your post, it sounds very pretty and soft.

Again, I too thought it was a makeup name. That alone would make me hesitant to use the name. Regardless, I think its a bit too singsongy to be usable.