What do you think about using [name_u]Willard[/name_u] as a first name ? It’s a family name… is it better suited as a middle name or would it be okay to use as a first name ? Too old fashioned?
I knew a boy named [name_u]Willard[/name_u] so I mainly associate the name with him. Therefore, I don’t think it’s too old fashioned at all.
[name_u]Willard[/name_u] would be great as either a first name or middle name. If used as the first name, I like the option of [name_u]Will[/name_u] as a nickname.
Although the full form does sound quite old-fashioned, I think that the approachable nickname Will makes it usable as a first name!
[name_u]Welcome[/name_u] to NB!
It does sound older but I honestly think it’s usable as either.
Like others have said, it does have an older sound. I don’t think it’s unusable, though, especially with the approachable nickname [name_u]Will[/name_u]. I actually worked with a [name_u]Willard[/name_u] once and he got the occasional comment about having a grandpa name (he was also older than everyone else so that probably played a part haha) but it was more like friendly teasing. He went by his full name and it was fine.
It’s kinda cool and unexpected, definitely very old fashioned and I could see how it might be too much for some people but I personally don’t find it too dated to use.
I think you could get away with it as a first name, it might be seen as a little bit of a daring choice but I still think it’s doable, especially if you used a nickname.
I don’t know if it’s usable in the US, but maybe the [name_u]Michael[/name_u] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] song from the movie [name_u]Willard[/name_u] is too old for anyone to remember. I’d use it as a middle if it’s an honor name.
I feel like it fits with other old-fashioned names that are becoming trendy right now (Ethel, [name_u]Amos[/name_u], [name_u]Walter[/name_u], etc.) I think it depends where you’re based if [name_u]Willard[/name_u] would be considered too old or ‘clunky’. [name_m]Even[/name_m] then, I think it has a certain charm about it that gives it a sweet but still elegant character
I’d probably put it in the middle - for me, it sounds too like too different related words that might be brought up at school maybe I’m overthinking - on a more objective level, I don’t think it’s too old fashioned - kind of grandpa vibes but that’s okay
It is old fashioned, but in a good way! (in my opinion)
And as others have mentioned, there is always [name_u]Will[/name_u] (or [name_u]Billy[/name_u] or even Ward) to fall back on.
[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought was the character from the Footloose film, which was my introduction to the name. I’m pretty fond of it because of that! It has an old-fashioned feel, but no more so than many other names that are currently making a comeback (: also there’s the plus of the super familiar nickname [name_u]Will[/name_u].
The name sounds quite old-fashioned and rather pretentious and elitist. Very “white” if you get my drift.
I love will names like [name_u]Willoughby[/name_u], [name_m]Wilfred[/name_m], and [name_u]Willow[/name_u] for boys but [name_u]Willard[/name_u] isn’t quite my cup of tea, and I’m not sure quite why that is. Language is a funny old thing… and we make weird connections with it. I think it’s because in one of the [name_f]British[/name_f] soaps there was a dog called wellard - which I think was meant to be a pun on the phrase “well-hard”. I read [name_u]Willard[/name_u] and hear Wellard but perhaps this is simply because it’s in rare usage. It’s not for me - I don’t hate it , I’d just give it about a 5/10 when I’d give [name_u]Willoughby[/name_u], [name_m]Wilfred[/name_m] and [name_u]Willow[/name_u] 8 or 9’s. I also think it depends a bit on where you live and how others will pronounce it… if I still lived in [name_u]London[/name_u], I very definitely wouldn’t call a child this because I grew up when everybody claimed they were “well hard” and it was pronounced quite similarly, but I also have family in wales who I’m visiting and in a welsh accent this is soft melodic and beautiful. Try saying it and having your loved ones say it to decide if you love using it in real life.