What are your thoughts on the name(s?) [name]Ireland[/name] and/or Irelyn?
[name]Don[/name]'t hold back
What are your thoughts on the name(s?) [name]Ireland[/name] and/or Irelyn?
[name]Don[/name]'t hold back
I don’t like them much but prefer [name]Ireland[/name]. Irelyn just looks really bad to me.
Irelyn is bad, sorry. But [name]Ireland[/name] I like a lot. I always thought it would be a great middle name to honour heritage. I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to use it in the first spot.
I love both.
Not meaning to offend; I prefer [name]Ireland[/name] over Irelyn, but I don’t really get country names, especially when they’ve got the word land in them. Sounds silly to me, even if there is a tie or special something. I wouldn’t call my kid Poland or Czech Republic.
If you want to use it because of heritage or similar, use [name]Eire[/name] instead. So much prettier and more name-like.
[name]Eire[/name] is nice!
Another vote for [name]Eire[/name] / [name]Erin[/name].
Would you like a name with the -lyn sound?
[name]Even[/name] though I think Irelyn sounds pretty, I think people would mishear it or mistake it for [name]Ireland[/name]. I actually know a little girl named [name]Ireland[/name]. She’s very sweet and gives the name charm in it’s own unique way. So of the two, I’m partial to [name]Ireland[/name].
Basically this.
I love [name]Ireland[/name] as a country, and the name is fine… for a country! but I wouldn’t suggest it for a baby.
It’s the name of [name]Alec[/name] [name]Baldwin[/name] and [name]Kim[/name] Basinger’s daughter, so it has celebribaby connotations for me.
I am very rare on here but I honestly [name]LOVE[/name] them both. I think outside of Nameberry it would probably go over really well I think [name]Eire[/name] is beautiful name as well. Irelyn was on my list for years until I came here and was talked out of it, but in my heart I will always love it. I think now I slightly prefer [name]Ireland[/name] but I say go for it if you love it!
I prefer [name_f]Ireland[/name_f]. I think Irelyn would just be misspelled as [name_f]Ireland[/name_f] all the time.