My SO and my father were both given one grandfather’s name as a first and other’s as a middle. I kinda like it because it’s a very strong connection, but on the other hand, I’d really like to use names I fully like.
My father is [name]Charles[/name], and my SO’s father is [name]Mark[/name]. I was thinking, what about [name]Clark[/name] as a first name? I love the feel of it a lot more than [name]Mark[/name] (which sounds a little worn) or [name]Charles[/name] (which has nicknames/associations that ruin its appeal for me). It’s not quite [name]Charles[/name] + [name]Mark[/name], but is it close enough for a little family connection? Right now I’m thinking [name]Clark[/name] [name]Damien[/name].
I really like [name]Clark[/name]! And I love that it has meaning for you. I don’t necessarily think people will “get it” when they hear the name, but it’s still nice.
My family is Italian American and that’s common in my culture, the both grandparents thing, but I didn’t do it because I love names & wanted my daughter to have one that was unique in our family.
[name]Glad[/name] most people seem to like this “non-smush smush.” I typically don’t care for smushes myself.
Lol … nope, won’t use my dad’s middle ([name]Ralph[/name]) and can’t use SO’s dad’s middle ([name]Alan[/name]) because I have an uncle with that name and he’s not the type of person I’d really want sharing a name with my kid.
SO’s middle & first are also out, because I’m not going to do the [name]Robert[/name] [name]Jr[/name]. thing and he hates his own middle ([name]Gordon[/name]). [name]Charles[/name] also has a lot of use in my family (4 generations) but my dad used to get teased a lot for [name]Chuck[/name], which is the nickname he went by (his dad was [name]Charles[/name]).
I’m not sure I need people to “get it” when they hear it, I just don’t want to feel like I’m making this stuff up or pushing the limits. I really like [name]Clark[/name]: it is easy to say/spell, it’s uncommonish, inoffensive, and it sounds good with the last name. Full name would be [name]Clark[/name] [name]Willard[/name].
[name]Charles[/name] + [name]Mark[/name] = [name]Clark[/name] is cute. [name]Clark[/name]'s not exactly my cup of tea, but it is nice. As far as honoring goes–as long as you feel like it’s honoring, it counts. [name]Imo[/name], anyway. You are putting the effort forth and the connection is strong enough for you. I know in some cultures using the same initial is honoring (like naming a [name]Sebastian[/name] after a [name]Stephen[/name]), but the connection just isn’t strong enough for me. Using the same set of initials (like [name]Rachel[/name] [name]Evangeline[/name] for a [name]Rebecca[/name] [name]Eileen[/name]), however, is strong enough for me. I think it just depends on the person. I think [name]Clark[/name] is a great way to honor a [name]Charles[/name] and a [name]Mark[/name], but I think it’s really up to you.