Horrible, Yet Hilarious, Victorian Baby Names

Thought I’d share a video poking fun at the strange taste some Victorians had. Granted, these would not have been among the top baby names at the time, but they certainly put in perspective some of the names chosen by some parents today – particularly celebrities – as it would seem they are not the first to think outside the box for their children’s names!

Let me know if you’ve ever come across any other strange, one-of-a-kind names from the past – any century, any decade, perhaps even in your own family? :wink:


I’m pretty sure semolina is related to flour, but it really sounds like she says ‘thrower’… LOL

Hmmm…Semolina. Ready to revive that one yet, ladies? :joy:

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Poor Toilet haha


It really goes to show that names have always been as ridiculous as we make them out to be now!

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I remember watching that show as a kid and liking some of the names… I definitely planned a daughter called Semolina at least once :no_mouth:

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