How annoying do you think being an Alexandrie would be?

[name]One[/name] of the criterias I look at in a name is the nuisance factor. I have a name that’s constantly mispronounced, misspelled, etc and it’s very irritating and has contributed a lot to my great dislike for the name.

[name]Alexandrie[/name] is a love of mine but I feel that it’s troublesome, it’d be misspelled a lot and constantly mistaken for [name]Alexandria[/name].

On a scale of 1-10 how much of a nuisance do you think [name]Alexandrie[/name] would be?

I don’t think it would be a problem, it’s a very different sound without the -eh ending. People often mistake my name for [name]Ottilia[/name], and I don’t mind, I just correct them in a nice manner. I really like [name]Alexandrie[/name], much more than [name]Alexandria[/name]. (I also adore so many of the names in your signature!)

edit: on a scale from 1-10, I guess a 3.

Not bad imo.

[name]Every[/name] name has that a little bit. [name]Even[/name] something as basic as my name- [name]Tara[/name]. Multiple pronunciations have never really bothered me. I feel like you let people know once and it’s usually remembered.

Plus she will probably use some kind of nickname at some point which will make it much easier.

Thank you very much. :smiley: You raise good points.

[name]Alexandrie[/name] seems more like a nn to me, but I like it better than [name]Alexandria[/name]. [name]Alessandra[/name] is my favorite version and your combo from your signature is great. So I would vote to skip [name]Alexandrie[/name] and go with [name]Alessandra[/name] [name]Averie[/name] [name]Kate[/name].

Well I get annoyed when I get called [name]Diane[/name] instead of [name]Diana[/name]. [name]Alexandrie[/name] isn’t as well known though as [name]Diana[/name], so it might be more annoying since people most likely will glance at it and think [name]Alexandria[/name]. On the other hand, the nickname [name]Alex[/name] seems inevitable and she won’t have much problem just saying I’m [name]Alex[/name], so her full name wouldn’t be an issue…

Written down I think it looks pretty, but said out loud it seems unfinished. I much prefer [name]Alessandra[/name], and I like your combo with it.

It isn’t bad. They may correct here and there but I have seen worse and it sounds nice!

I’ll dissent and say that while lovely, the nuisance factor would be pretty high- I’d give it about a 6 of 10. I don’t think anyone would ever look at her weird and say “what an odd name,” but I do think that it would be constantly confused- not [name]Alexandra[/name], not [name]Alexandria[/name], not Alexie, [name]Alexandrie[/name]. I think she’d probably have to spell out the i-e too. It’s a beautiful name, but not one I’d really like to have.