I love hearing how people came up with their kid(s)’ names. Here’s mine.
My oldest daughter’s name came to me in a dream. I was calling her something else and she looked at me and said, “Mommy, my name is [name]Olive[/name]”, a name I wasn’t even considering and the only [name]Olive[/name] I had heard of was [name]Olive[/name] Oyl. I told my husband about it and he loved the name and started calling her that, but I was like no, that’s not her name, but when she was born it was the only name that suited her so [name]Olive[/name] she became.
My other daughter’s name is [name]Kit[/name]. [name]Just[/name] [name]Kit[/name]. Not [name]Katherine[/name] or anything. It was her in utero nickname because when we went for the ultrasound - they couldn’t tell us what she was, but we wanted something we could call her so we called the baby [name]Kit[/name]. I was sure it was a boy b/c my pregnancy was so much different than [name]Olive[/name]'s so we had a boy name picked out, but not really any girl’s name. Of course, it was a girl, but we couldn’t think of anything (we were debating and not finding anything we loved) so [name]Olive[/name] came in to meet her sister for the first time, and said, “[name]Hi[/name], [name]Kit[/name].” And we knew. It’s the perfect name for her.
Now, if only I could dream up a name for [name]Olive[/name] and [name]Kit[/name]'s baby sister.