I was just curious, and this seems like as good a place as any to ask this, but… How did you come across Nameberry?
Also: Were you a lurker or did you join as soon as you found it?
Finally, How long have you been a [name_u]Berry[/name_u]? (I know you can see in the profiles, but why not share while you’re here?)
I shall share now, seeing how I made this thread.
I came across Nameberry on this author’s website, under how she named her characters. I clicked on the link and BOOM! Beauty. For a while (ahem, two weeks-ish) I would just type in names and see what people said, mns, etc, until I finally caved in and came up with an account!
So I was a lurker/immediate joiner, I guess.
I have been a [name_u]Berry[/name_u] for less than a year, 120 days to be exact, though I’ve only visited 101. (I joined Nov. 20, 2020)
i was familiar with nameberry for a while, whenever i was naming characters i would google things like “sister name for ___” and get ideas from the forums, and i used the namehunter religiously, but for some reason i never thought that i could make an account (not sure why i thought that) until i made an account in [name_u]September[/name_u] 2020 so i could give other people suggestions on names, just like i used to look for and now here i am
I came across Namebery after I started getting obsessed with names a little while ago. I actually joined BabyNames.com first and used that for my list. I joined this site in [name_u]December[/name_u] of 2020 but didn’t find the forums until a month later.
I found Nameberry 6,7,8 years ago while searching for names for my paper name list. I used the site purely as a reference for about five years, and only made an account early last year (or late the year before?) to try an online name list. I then discovered the forums a few months after that!
I discovered Nameberry around 2014 - 2015? I would Google “names that mean ____” or “unusual names”, which would lead to Nameberry pages popping up. I never knew the forums existed until late [name_u]July[/name_u] / early [name_u]August[/name_u] 2020. I ended up impulsively making an account in [name_u]August[/name_u] (the 5th to be exact) because I planned on going by something new before the schoolyear began and wanted opinions.
I never thought I’d stay permanently, but uh, that didn’t really happen
I discovered Nameberry maybe around 2017 or 2018. I used Nameberry and the late Namehunter to find names for my characters. I first found the forums during 2018, but they just looked boring to me. In 2020, I opened up the forums again, and they looked more interesting. I lurked for a while, but I started talking around [name_u]June[/name_u] or [name_u]July[/name_u] 2020. And, well, here I am! [name_f]My[/name_f] third cakeday is this [name_u]June[/name_u]. I don’t care if no one uses the term cakeday here, I’m using it anyway.
I found Nameberry a long time ago while searching for more unique names for [name_m]Sims[/name_m]! I was a long time lurker before I finally signed up last year. I was probably a lurker for 5/6 years. I’m glad I finally joined!!
I discovered Nameberry around the tail end of the ottilie saga… So sometime in 2013 I think? It seems like such a long time ago now. I didn’t have an account for a long time after that though. I don’t remember how exactly I discovered the website. Probably when googling names I liked.
I would search up the meanings of my favorite names, and nameberry was listed as one of the websites. That evolved to me discovering links to the forums, so I would type in * name * nameberry (like “[name_f]Emma[/name_f] nameberry” or “[name_m]Bennet[/name_m] nameberry”). This would allow me to access the discussions that had taken place on each name.
I lurked on the forums in this way until the software update, since that allowed me to make an account without glitches.
I have been a [name_u]Berry[/name_u] for a little over a year now! [name_f]My[/name_f] anniversary was [name_u]March[/name_u] 8th, and I meant to make some sort of post about it but then forgot.
Not sure how I really discovered it, but I know I was in 8th grade. Lurked for a few years, then joined this summer-ish (right before senior year). I’ve always been into names, so I guess I was just looking up meanings or something and found nameberry and continued to visit
I started looking up names on the main website, and I would scroll through the comments of random names for hours upon hours, it seemed. It took me longer than it should have to discover the forums, and I was a lurker for a little while before I joined.
I’ve wanted to change my name since 4th grade, so I always kept an eye out for interesting names that I felt suited me. I got really pulled into the idea that somewhere out there is the “perfect” name for me, and I just got to find it. Logically, in order to do that, I will need to have a large database where I can search up the meanings of names, and Nameberry happened to offer that. At first, I was just a lurker since all I needed was the regular functions of Nameberry - but when I started narrowing down my options I was extremely curious whether my choices would be socially acceptable and liked, and for that reason I had to go where there are actual people with unique opinions. So, in this quest for my, I guess, identity, I discovered this amazing community of namenerds <3
How did you come across Nameberry? : It was either through google or from someone posting about it on BehindThe Name.
Were you a lurker or did you join as soon as you found it? : If I was, it was only for a day or two, but I’m going to say that I wasn’t and that I joined right away.
How long have you been a [name_u]Berry[/name_u]? : It’ll be 12 years in [name_u]August[/name_u].
I was just looking up names on google for characters and nameberry came up first! I used to read old forums for sibling names and it said to sign up to respond, so later that week I made an account because I was bored…so pretty immediate. I’ve technically been a berry since [name_f]May[/name_f] 2020, but I came back about a month ago cause of my age
I randomly found one of their Instagram posts and then followed link after link that they gave which led to being here.
I lurked for a few days until I decided to make an account, which was in [name_u]November[/name_u], so I have been a [name_u]Berry[/name_u] for… 4-5 months? (this acc says it’s since [name_u]December[/name_u] but I had problems so yeah… I wasn’t active on [name_u]November[/name_u] anyway, not a lot of things were lost. Wouldn’t say the same if I had the same problem now )
Summer 2020… Getting my ducks in a line to start TTC… I felt like I had my girl name chosen 100% but had overwhelming anxiety about having a boy because I didn’t have any names that I could see myself using.
I think I stumbled upon the blog posts or lists of names with different themes… I was looking for a dark, brave, possibly villain-ish name. And I didn’t like a single name This lead me to the forum and I made an account to make a post for help!
i found it cos i was looking up names (dunno why lol) but I wanted to keep track of the names I liked so I made an account and I found my way over to the forums section
How did you come across Nameberry? I found NB while searching for names (this was around the time I was becoming a name nerd) and BAM I discovered NB and became obsessed
Were you a lurker or did you join as soon as you found it? I was a lurker for a few years. Being specific, it was most likely around 2018-2019 I believe. I only used it so I could find middle names for characters but one day, I decided to make an account and here I am!
How long have you been a Berry? I joined on [name_u]November[/name_u] 5, 2020 (which is my birthday!). So I have only been around for almost 5 months. I guess joining NB was a little birthday present I gave to myself