that were was too many with the same first name as me where i was
I loved it
absolutely adore it!
When I was really young I didn’t like it, but now I do!
[name_f]My[/name_f] name (my real name, not what I go by on here) is pretty rare, so I get a lot of comments on it. They are usually very positive, but I’ve always been pretty shy so little me hated the attention and wished for a more “normal” name. But now I’ve come to see that there’s nothing wrong with having a more unique name and I absolutely adore the meaning of it, so I like my name a lot now!
I liked it growing up, until I felt like I wanted to use another one of my names, which I felt more connected to.
For about 25 years I’ve been going by this other name.
I’ve always liked my name. Sometimes I’d get annoyed if people got it wrong though. [name_f]My[/name_f] twin brother has an extremely common name, and sometimes I was jealous of him because people always got his name right
I’ve always liked my name
I went between dislike (especially when people called me Gracie), and indifference, feeling like well, guess that’s my name.
A weird feeling of not feeling like it was mine.
I loved it because I was the only one at my school for years and years, and I felt special because of it, despite later discovering it’s incredibly popular for my peer group also loving the meaning of my name is what got me into etymology!
i always liked that i never knew someone else with my name (or at least not my spelling, i’ve known a few gemmas over the years) but apart from that mostly indifferent.
I’ve always felt rather neutral about my name. It’s just my name - that’s it. I didn’t really love it on any merit of the name itself, but I liked it because it was my name. If it wasn’t my name I would probably feel pretty neutral about it still, tbh. As a kid I did teased some (“Cryin Bryan”, “Lyin Bryan”… especially the former. I was an emotional child) so that wasn’t fun but it’s been aight.
I loved my first name and I still do. As a kid I loved being the only one with my name in the area (I first met another one when I was a teenager, I think) and how often people complimented me on it.
There were things that were annoying - people assuming it was hard to pronounce if they saw it before they heard it, that it is spelled differently than the most common spelling and therefore got (and gets) misspelled a lot, that my first name and last name add up to a pretty darn long name - but it never made me feel differently about my name itself.
i was pretty meh about it, and even though my name is feminine, and i’m not quite sure how i feel about that, i feel like i can’t change it, partially because i’ve used it for professional things and also i know how much my parents love it too and i’m a people pleaser and sometimes the people is myself and sometimes it’s other people but this time it’s everyone because pip/pippi pretty much works as a nickname for it and those feel more neutral.
I hated it. Still do
I always felt strongly connected to my name, maybe because I’ve never heard it on someone else (until recently, a college friend named her daughter the same name - she just liked it). Everyone butchers it left and right but I never really cared, I was just annoyed by the administrative burden of having to correct my name on official stuff.
It doesn’t have a traditional spelling but that spelling is linked to my family’s history so I love it all the same.
Loved it. Could make a lot of nicknames from it. Wish it was more rare