It took us 3.5 years to get pregnant (and stay pregnant), so we had quite a bit of time to prepare. Obviously, it is different for everyone…but here’s what we did. Oh, and just to note, the timing did give us more room to try and prepare, so some of these were able to become more of a priority than others.
What we did:
*attempted to pay down some debts
*we tried to save at least $1000
*bought our first house
*got started on the ‘health’ side of things, including: bloodwork for both of us (check hormones, etc), cut back on caffeine, got dental work done, etc.
*found new jobs with better benefits
*bought a lot of baby stuff over time (crib, clothing, room items, high chair, etc)
What we would’ve done differently, in hindsight:
*saved more. You will never have enough money set aside. Things happen. We both had expensive situations occur that ate some of our savings and then, when we did get pregnant, there were complications early on that completely ate up the rest of our savings, plus some.
*enjoyed life more. I don’t mean that in a patronizing, “enjoy life now!” way. For us, we were married not even a full year before we started trying. Life became about TTC pretty quick and I let myself get consumed. It became treatment options, support groups, baby this and baby that. My marriage actually suffered for it. I do regret that a lot. I would’ve loved more date nights and less arguments.
Other than that…I’m pretty pleased with how that stage of our life went. The absolute best thing, aside from the job change, was getting baby stuff early!! It allowed me to feel like I was actively doing something plus it allowed us to spend and acquire over time, rather than need to do it in a time crunch (we knew we didn’t want a baby shower). By the time I got pregnant, we had a crib, high chair, lots of onesies (good for any weather…they can either be layered or worn as is), grooming kits, a stash of cloth diapers,