How do you feel about the name Talulla.

We are expecting our first girl, and want something different yet girlie! My husband and I both agree on this name and spelling ( it’s the Irish version) but is it too “out there”? We plan on using the nickname [name]Lula[/name]…

Makes me think of the actress Tallullah Bankhead and also makes me think of the waterfalls in [name]Georgia[/name]. I do like it.

[name]How[/name] could it have an Irish version just by dropping the H and one of the L’s when the name itself is from the Choctaw language? It’s a Native American name.

I love it! This name was used in both the Native American and Irish cultures! It’s so pretty and I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Lula[/name]! I don’t think it’s too out there and it’s distinctive, pretty, and girlie. Very nice! It’s one of my favorites. :slight_smile:

I heard it for the first time today on a very cute, bubbly toddler. She also goes by the nickname [name]Lula[/name]. Very distinctive without being over-the-top. [name]Love[/name] it.

I know a little [name]Tallulah[/name] who goes exclusively by [name]Lou[/name] & [name]Lula[/name]. I think it’s sweet, but it’s quite a mouthful! It’s flapperish & exuberant, musical & whimsical.

I love it! I love the [name]Tori[/name] [name]Amos[/name] song of the same name, thats where I first heard it and then I fell more in love with it when [name]Bruce[/name] [name]Willis[/name] and [name]Demi[/name] [name]Moore[/name] named their daughter [name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Belle[/name]


[name]Talulla[/name]/[name]Tallulah[/name] is so cute! [name]Lula[/name] is adorable! I love it so much! :slight_smile:

I was going to comment about that too. I think of [name]Bruce[/name] [name]Willis[/name] and [name]Demi[/name] [name]Moore[/name]'s daughter. I like the name [name]Talulla[/name] and the nn [name]Lula[/name] is adorable!

@scarlettrobin - visit behind the name for a pretty thorough description. [name]Talulla[/name] is the common spelling of the Anglicization of the Gaelic [name]Tuilelaith[/name]. [name]Tallulah[/name] is probably not Choctaw for Leaping Water but rather Creek for town.