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I’m gonna name my new puppy [name_f]Bea[/name_f] ([name_u]Bay[/name_u]-uh)
I say [name_f]Bee[/name_f]. [name_u]Bay[/name_u]-Uh makes sense as a diminutive of [name_f]Beatriz[/name_f], though.
I know a Brazilian woman named [name_f]Bia[/name_f] (bee-uh). I think that’s pretty, too!
I say [name_f]Bee[/name_f]
I’ve only ever heard it pronounced [name_f]Bee[/name_f], it’s usually the shortened version of [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f]/Beatrix
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I’m Swedish and I’m pretty sure everyone would pronounce it [name_f]Bee[/name_f]-ah here. [name_f]My[/name_f] aunt’s cat’s name is [name_f]Bea[/name_f] and she pronounces it that way. If I read it in an [name_f]English[/name_f] context I pronounce it [name_f]Bee[/name_f].
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I say [name_f]Bee[/name_f].