How do you pronounce Cosima?

I say “COSS-im-ah” but I’m not sure what the dominant pronunciation is (if any).

[name_m]How[/name_m] do you pronounce [name_f]Cosima[/name_f]?

Has anyone met one, or even used it themselves? If so, is pronunciation an issue?

Unfortunately, I’ve never met a [name_f]Cosima[/name_f], but I pronounce it differently than you. I say Co-SEE-mah, although that’s likely incorrect.

I say [name_m]COS[/name_m]-e-mah with a short o sound and the middle syllable nearly glanced over, with a short e sound

I’d always said it as you do (there was a singer, [name_f]Cosima[/name_f] DeVito here many years here that I loved, pronounced that way) up until watching Orphan [name_m]Black[/name_m], then I guess I got muddled having heard it so much said co-SEE-muh, that it seems nowadays that’s how I automatically pronounce it instead. I’d think the dominant/correct pronunciation would be as you’ve got it, though I like it either way, myself. [name_f]Cosima[/name_f] is a gorgeous name, which great meaning.

I always want to say it coss-see-muh but I feel like I know COSS-im-ah is right?

I’ve only heard co-SEE-muh

The one I know is CO-zee-muh but I prefer co-SEE-muh

Team Co-zee-muh (all The vowels drawn [name_m]Long[/name_m]).
That’s how I would pronounce it intuitively, and I also think I have Heard of a [name_f]Cosima[/name_f], but do Note I’m from Germany. Anyway I also Like this pronunciation The best :slight_smile:

I say it as Coss-EE-ma? I don’t know if that’s correct or not, I have a habit of mispronouncing lol

I say CO-see-ma, but know the cah-SEE-ma pronunciation from Orphan [name_m]Black[/name_m].

I say CO-sih-muh, “co” as in coat. I had heard [name_f]Cosima[/name_f] [name_m]Wagner[/name_m] pronounced that way.

I say CO-sih-muh (long O, short I) and that’s probably my favorite option.

I could imagine CO-see-muh or COSS-ih-muh, but I have a very hard time with coh-SEE-muh. It feels wrong coming out of my mouth. I’ve never heard it emphasized that way.

@yellowplums I’m not mad keen on “co-SEE-muh” either, but according to this straw poll more people than I expected pronounce it “my” way, or close to, which is a nice surprise. I’m crushing pretty hard on this one today!

Co-SEE-muh. I love Orphan [name_m]Black[/name_m] and this is where I heard the name so I instinctively say it like the character.


I pronounce it Co- SEE-muh.

I pronounce like you do, and that’s the only way I’ve heard it pronounced (in Australia) aside from on Orphan [name_m]Black[/name_m]. I’ve only met a [name_f]Cosima[/name_f] once, she pronounced it COSS-im-uh and went by the nickname [name_f]Coco[/name_f].

I pronounce it the same way as you, [name_f]Katinka[/name_f].

I would say it the way you suggested, @katinka :slight_smile: Though I have never met someone with this name, or heard anyone talk about it. I didn’t really think there was “more than one” pronunciation, but perhaps there is.

I’ve never met one, but I say Co-SZEE-muh. The S is more of a mix of S and Z when I say it.