How do YOU pronounce Frederick?

Northern [name]England[/name]: ‘fred-rik’

[name]Just[/name] two syllables for us I believe : )

This name is still on our “maybe” list for our little boy, and when I pronounce it, I say it as two syllables. I am from the [name]Philadelphia[/name] area. My [name]German[/name] husband, when saying it in [name]German[/name], pronounces it with three.

For what it’s worth, my name is [name]Katherine[/name], and I’ve always been sort of lazy about the way I pronounce my own name. I think in reality it’s three syllables, but when I say it, it comes out two. I’ve always wondered how many syllables my name is supposed to have!

The only way I’ve ever heard it in the U.S. is [name]FRED[/name]-drik.

Here in Australia, I would pronounce it [name]Fred[/name] - rick if I was just saying it in general but if I was looking at the name and spelling to work out how to pronounce it I would say [name]Fred[/name]-er-rick. I hope that makes sense.

[name]FRED[/name]-rik, the only way I’ve ever heard it here in [name]London[/name] :slight_smile:


Yeah what she said

As a first name, I say fred-er-rik. My cousin’s last name is Fredericks and we pronounce it fredj-rix.
Also have a cousin [name]Roderick[/name], rod-er-rick or rodj-rick, I hate rod-rick

Coming to think of it, and saying the name aloud for a dozen times, I have to revise what I’ve posted above and agree with rin’s post. I thought I pronounced it with 3 syllables, but what actually comes out of my mouth, has 2 syllables rather than 3.

[name]Fred[/name]-drick. Two :slight_smile:

2 syllables!