How do you pronounce Hermione?

It may sound crazy, but I have no idea how to pronounce the girl’s name [name]Hermione[/name]…some people tell me that it’s Her-my-oh-nee and others insist that it’s actually Her-my-nee. Which one is right???

Her-my-oh-nee. Like a lot of names, it can get contracted when you say it fast, hence Her-my-uh-nee (my default pronunciation with my accent) and Her-my-nee. Really it’s all the same, as long as you’re not saying Hermy-one or anything like that.

Her-my-oh-knee. And we know that because [name]Hermione[/name] tells [name]Viktor[/name] Krum how to pronounce it in the Goblet of [name]Fire[/name] at the [name]Yule[/name] Ball. YUP YUP.

Took the words right out of my mouth. :slight_smile:

Her-my-nee is how it is pn in the movies and has become the common pn, though it is due to accent and the correct is her-my-oh-nee. However most people will say it as Her-my-nee since more people have seen the movies than read the books…

[name]Just[/name] like the way she pronounces it in the movies. I just wonder how may thousands of Herione’s have been born in the last few years!

The original Greek pronunciation is like hair-mee-oh-nee

but no one besides Greek speakers are likely to say it that way so Her-my-oh-nee is the generally excepted way of saying it (even though I really prefer the Greek pronunciation).

This for me too.

I think that it’s Her-my-oh-nee, but I imagine that would often get reduced to Her-my-nee in quick conversation. Neither pronunciation seems wrong to me.

So true. I should have remembered that! But thanks everyone!!! And go [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]!