How do you pronounce Lila?

  • Ly-la
  • Lee-la

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[name_f]My[/name_f] first instinct was actually Lil-uh. Like [name_f]Lily[/name_f].

I know 3 baby [name_f]Lilas[/name_f] and all of them are pronounced Ly-la!

The [name_f]Lilas[/name_f] I’ve encountered have pn it Ly-luh (though I believe some spelled it [name_f]Lyla[/name_f] as that’s the more popular sp in the UK)

Depends. In an Anglophone context, I would assume it’s pronounced like [name_f]Lyla[/name_f].
In a non-anglophone context (e.g. if the person named [name_f]Lila[/name_f] is European or Latin American), I would assume like [name_f]Leela[/name_f].

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Ly-la in [name_f]English[/name_f], lee-la in [name_u]French[/name_u].