[name_m]How[/name_m] would you pronounce the name [name_f]Ariella[/name_f] Thankyou
Iโm from [name_f]Virginia[/name_f], USA.
I would pronounce it as โ[name_m]Ah[/name_m]-ree-ellaโ or โ[name_f]Air[/name_f]-ree-ellaโ if asked to.
ar-ee-[name_f]EL[/name_f]-uh / ah-ree-[name_f]EL[/name_f]-uh (I used both, depending on my mood)
I say A-ree-[name_f]EL[/name_f]-uh, with the A like in [name_f]Apple[/name_f].
I had an old neighbour called [name_f]Ariella[/name_f]. Its pronouned [name_m]Ah[/name_m]-ree-[name_f]ELL[/name_f]-uh (the [name_m]AH[/name_m] as in CAT)
This is how I would say it too.