I am interested in opinions as to the influence the following would have on the choice of a specific boy name that you might have for your son. So for example, you have a fairly typical (not extremely common boy’s name (i.e. not in top 200 for boys) - let’s take a name like [name]Sawyer[/name] since it has been discussed here recently. [name]How[/name] would the following influence you:
You know personally of ONE girl who has this name (and no boys)?
You don’t know personally, but you have heard of ONE girl through a personal contact that has this name (and no boys)?
You know personally of ONE girl who has this name but also know one or more boys with this name?
You don’t know personally, but you have heard of ONE girl ithrough a personal contact that has this name and one or more boys too?
You know of personally TWO or more girls who have this name, and no boys.
You know of personally TWO or more girls who have this name, and one or more boys.
You don’t know anyone of this name. You like it, but you have seen it being suggested for girls in naming forums.
I guess, what I am wondering, to paraphrase this is how popular does a name need to be for girls before you would not use it for a boy. [name]Even[/name] if by comparison it is much more popular for boys, would that popularity for girls, or potential popularity for girls in the future put you off. Or would it have no influence whatsoever?
I hope that makes sense but I can clarify it if it is confusing.
As someone who is drawn to boy names that have been used on girls ([name]Aubrey[/name], [name]Ashley[/name], [name]Meredith[/name]), I find it distressing that so many good boy names are used on girls. I also think that when a boy name becomes popular on girls, it becomes cutesy and immasculating. While I adore names like [name]Aubrey[/name] and [name]Ashley[/name] on boys, I would never do it. It also makes it difficult to decide on a boy name because you never know if or when it will go to the girls. I don’t want my son to have a girly name (even though it may not be a horrible thing). I watched an episode of [name]Doctor[/name] Who recently and one of the female characters was named [name]Ambrose[/name]- a very masculine name to me. Could [name]David[/name] or [name]Joshua[/name] be next? There are some names that were used strictly used on boys for a [name]LONG[/name] time until they became “fashionable” on girls and now, many people think of them strictly as girl names (ex. [name]Beverley[/name], [name]Evelyn[/name])
If I knew or knew of ANY girls who had a “boy name” I probably wouldn’t use it (for either sex).
I agree with the pp. If a boy name is being used for girls I wouldn’t use for a boy. I really don’t like most boy names on girls. [name]Even[/name] gender neutral names I wouldn’t use for a boy. For me I am disappointed when I hear certain boy names on girls. On the other hand I love gender neutral names as mn for girls, especially when paired with a girly fn.