How does this sound?

Need advice…

[name]Derek[/name] [name]Harrison[/name] (LN) Shaffer, pronounced [name]Shay[/name]-fer

[name]Derek[/name] is DH, would love to have his son’s first name [name]Derek[/name]
My maiden name is [name]Harris[/name] (I switched it up a little for the 2-3-2 syllables. Plus, it’s kind of neat as [name]Harris[/name]’ son.)

Does this sound like it’s too much?
Thanks for any advice.

sorry, but it does trip my tongue up a bit :frowning:

I’ll see if I can think of a way to remedy…

The vast majority of the time he’ll be called simply [name]Derek[/name] Shaffer. I think [name]Derek[/name] [name]Harrison[/name] Shaffer is a very nice name, esp. since it includes part of your name in it, esp. the “[name]Harris[/name]’ son” part - cool.

So no, it’s not too much at all.

Of course you are now signing up for a lifetime of calling “[name]Derek[/name]” and either having both or neither respond to you!! This happens to my mother in law (my husband and father in law both have the same name). Unfortuntately [name]Derek[/name] doesn’t have any ready nicknames to distinguish between them.

Of course this is minor compared to the joy it could bring your husband, but just saying.

I think [name]Derek[/name] [name]Harrison[/name] Shaffer definitely has the right rhythm in terms of syllables, but when I say "[name]Derek[/name] [name]Harrison[/name], " I only hear the repetitive “Dare/Hare” sounds, which makes it rhyme. I really like [name]Harrison[/name], though! :slight_smile: