I just came across this name, and I think it’s beautiful! I think it’s lou-cast-ah, but how is it pronounced? Thank you!
I’ve always assumed lu-cost-uh (the A in the middle like in caught, bought, lot, call), but idk if that’s actually “correct”
I think that sounds right (and much prettier!)
That definitely sounds right, thanks!
I would assume Loo-cahst-uh.
I’ve never seen this name before, but at first glance I’d pronounce it [name_u]Lou[/name_u]-CAST-uh.
I’ve heard it pronounced Loo-cass-stuh
I’ve been pronouncing it loo-caws-tuh.
My first thought is loo-CAH-stuh, but I’ve heard a similar name, [name_f]Jocasta[/name_f], pronounced jo-CASS-tuh on the Outlander TV show, so it might just depend on where you’re from. I’m American and the actors on the show are primarily British, for reference.
I’ve always said loo-CASS-tuh (a as in cat, not as in father)
it’s one of my favourites, and will be in my UC when I’m done with my current themed one
I agree with previous posters, I’d say lou-cass-tuh