How is Lucasta pronounced?

I just came across this name, and I think it’s beautiful! I think it’s lou-cast-ah, but how is it pronounced? Thank you!

I’ve always assumed lu-cost-uh (the A in the middle like in caught, bought, lot, call), but idk if that’s actually “correct”


I think that sounds right (and much prettier!)

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That definitely sounds right, thanks!

I would assume Loo-cahst-uh.

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I’ve never seen this name before, but at first glance I’d pronounce it [name_u]Lou[/name_u]-CAST-uh.

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I’ve heard it pronounced Loo-cass-stuh


I’ve been pronouncing it loo-caws-tuh.

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My first thought is loo-CAH-stuh, but I’ve heard a similar name, [name_f]Jocasta[/name_f], pronounced jo-CASS-tuh on the Outlander TV show, so it might just depend on where you’re from. I’m American and the actors on the show are primarily British, for reference.

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I’ve always said loo-CASS-tuh (a as in cat, not as in father)
it’s one of my favourites, and will be in my UC when I’m done with my current themed one

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I agree with previous posters, I’d say lou-cass-tuh :slightly_smiling_face:

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