So, I have always wanted to have a ton of children. I absolutely got my wish! I had my first four children ([name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Evan[/name] nn [name]Gabe[/name], [name]Delilah[/name] [name]Ruby[/name] nn [name]Lila[/name], [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Jade[/name] nn [name]Mia[/name], and [name]Nolan[/name] [name]Jude[/name]) and wanted more. Then, I had my quads ([name]Mirabella[/name] [name]Violet[/name] nn [name]Mira[/name], [name]Tristan[/name] [name]Lucas[/name], [name]Calla[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name], and [name]Declan[/name] [name]Nicholas[/name]) about three and a half weeks ago. I finally had a spare minute, now that all my babies are in dreamland. So, I have a question. After having eight kids, is wanting more unnatural? Because as my little ones grow, I find I still want more. And I have a whole bunch of names I’m falling in love with and itching to use like [name]Anya[/name], [name]Spencer[/name] nn [name]Penn[/name], [name]Layla[/name], [name]Aurora[/name] nn [name]Rori[/name], [name]Jason[/name] nn [name]Jace[/name], and a couple more.
Is this just a case of name fever? Opinions please?!
I have 4 siblings, and my mom’s brother and his wife have 9 (no multiples). I love big families, so I guess I would say that more than 8 isn’t too many. My philosophy has always been that if you can support your children, and provide them with all the necessities, and then some, then by all means, have as many as you want! The only person who can really say if it’s baby fever, or baby name fever is you!!
I don’t think there’s a specific number of too many kids, but I do think that there’s a line, and that line is different for every family. As long as the parents have the time, patience, finances, and ability to give their children a good life (older children shouldn’t raise younger children, they should all get opportunities for higher education if they choose, enough individual attention from their parents) I don’t really think there is a number.
What does your husband say?
Congratulations on your big wonderfull family, you children have lovely names!
As long as you prepared and able to provide for your children then i dont see the harm in having more children.
You could always use some of the names you still love for your pets?!
Sounds like you have your hands full with 8 children, including 4 infants, how do you find the time for nameberry lol?
What date were the quads born? did they end up coming on independence day?