How many kids?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! So I don’t have kids, but I was wondering how many you guys want – whether you want more than you already have, or you want kids in the future?

Personally I’ve always wanted a big family so I want like 6+ kids – and I want to adopt or foster too. I think most of them would be adopted because I’m so not sold on the whole pregnancy-birth thing.

So what about you?


I’m currently pregnant with my third girl, due [name_u]August[/name_u] 4. I’ll see how I feel in maybe 2 years to decide if I want to have a 4th. Everyone has been asking if I’m going to try for a boy since my second daughter was born, but if I have 4 girls I won’t try to have a 5th. (Unless of course my next pregnancy was twins). I definitely want to not be pregnant after 35 years old. I turn 30 a month after this baby is due.

Don’t have kids right now but would love to have in the future! I would like to have between 5-7 kids maybe more but that just depends on the situation. Aka if future husband only wants 2 then I am ok with that but if future husband wants more then 7 then will be in discussion.

I have one child and will likely try for one more, maybe within a year or so, finances and sanity permitting. It was a several years-long journey for us to get and stay pregnant so we do feel a bit of self-imposed pressure to not wait too long to see if another pregnancy is possible for us. We’re hopeful.

We used to want lots of kids but infertility, expenses, lifestyle values (meaning what kind of life/experiences would we like to provide our children with), vehicle situation, a rocky c-section plus the need for a future one and, of course, the reality of actually having a child has changed that. Lol. Our son is nearly 1.5 years and hardly sleeps so adding an infant anytime soon isn’t a great idea.

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None. I love kids, but I think I would make a crappy parent, & I don’t want to bestow that upon a child.

I have four children, and would like a fifth. [name_f]My[/name_f] SO’s ideal number is six, but I’m not sure. We’ll see how everything works out.

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While I want 4 kids or 6 kids (between having my own and adoption), I know I will be starting late in life having a family. With this in mind, I’d be thrilled to have 2 kids.

Yes, I know I am listing even numbers only, but I grew up as 1 of 3 and someone is always left out. With an even number, there is always someone to do things with (hopefully). Btw I wouldn’t be disappointed to have an odd number… I just hope that if I do, my kids will always get along well and do things together.

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It always changes for me. It’s gone from none to 10 and back so many times :sweat_smile: Usually it’s between 0 and 5, though - 3 most frequently.

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I have 1, and I want 1 more. He was premature and my pregnancy wasn’t fun at all so I only want to go through that again once more. I didn’t want any more at first but I’ve warmed up to the idea now.

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I have twins who are about to be three and I’m pregnant with baby #3 due in [name_u]November[/name_u]. I’ve always wanted 3 or 4 and I feel very lucky to get 3 since I started a bit late. I’m 35 now and this is our last one.


I’ve always imagined having 3 and I think 3 is the perfect number for me, but this is a very rosy view from a single 20-something without any concrete plans to have children in the near future. I understand things might go down a totally unexpected path!

Who knows where I’ll end up financially in the next decade. I won’t have any children if I don’t feel I can properly provide for them. I’d love them too much to bring them into a neglectful situation!

I can’t foresee a situation in which I’d have more than 3, unless I was pregnant with my third and discovered I was having multiples.

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At least one, preferably two, open-minded about three.

At my age though, I’ll take what I can get and three is looking more and more unlikely if we can’t start TTC soon. :pensive:

I have one and one on the way.

I’m one of three and I’d ideally like 3 myself, but my SO is an only and so while we wanted our daughter to have a sibling I’m not sure he’ll be sold on a third. But we’ll see what happens in future!

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either 3 or 5 (probably 3). i don’t want an even number if i can help it, although i have absolutely no reasoning behind that - and i may end up with 2 or 4 and decide i can’t handle another! i do want to foster and probably adopt though, so the number of kids in my home will fluctuate.

No kids yet, and I definitely still feel too young (thankfully), but ideally I want four. Two biologically related to me and future S/O, and two adopted. In a really perfect world, we’d adopt two children, and carry each other’s biological child, but of course that’s super dependent on S/O and discussion.

Realistically it might be two by the time I have an S/O, and I’m not sure I’d want any if it’s just me. If I do have kids, I wouldn’t have only one.

If time, age, and money weren’t an issue I’d probably have more.



We have one 3-year-old and [name_u]Baby[/name_u] #2 is due in [name_u]November[/name_u]. We always knew we wanted at least two, and we’re on the fence about a third.

In the far future I want 2-4 kids. If my first two are both girls I want to keep it at that. If there are no girls by two I would try for more. I just really want a girl because I never had a very good relationship with my mom and I’m the only girl out of 4 kids in my family.

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No kiddos yet, but I’d love to have 4 later on!

I really wanted a girl for my first and now we are having our third girl! I thought that since I wanted a girl I would end up with all boys. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband’s mom had one girl and then 5 boys, my mom had one girl and then two boys, and my husband’s sister had one girl then 3 boys. I thought for sure I would have one girl and then boys after.

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