I am wondering how much your fertility changes as you get older. I had my first baby at 25, second at 27, and third at 30. I am 32 and would like to have my 4th (and last) in the next little while (we are not ttc yet). We were very fortunate and got pregnant the first month of ttc with all three of our children, but I have heard that every year after 30 your fertility decreases, so I wonder if it will take a lot longer to get pregnant next time.
[name]How[/name] many have you got pregnant in the first month of trying, with each of your children?
And does anyone know about the fertility decreasing percentages?
I think it depends on many different factors. In general the quality of a womans eggs decrease as she ages, but that doesnt mean you will still not be able to get pregnant with a healthy baby. I also have read that having subsequent children into your 30’s, you have a better chance then ttc your first at that time. Again, so many different factors at play. My mom started with pre-menipausal symptoms when she was 34, so, I am glad that I did begin having my family when I was young for this reason.
Although it differs from woman to woman, in general women see a huge drop in fertility at 37. Before that there may be a slight drop but it really doesn’t become an issue until 37.
As for personal experience, I’m 30 and pregnant with my first right now. It only took us one month to conceive. The majority of my friends/family had their kids in their thirties with no difficulty, so unless you have some other medical problem, I don’t think you should have much trouble conceiving if you’re only 32.
I’ll just get the disclaimer put of the way first: every woman and every pregnancy is different.
So that being said, I think it’s over 35 that fertility decreases severely. That’s the age they recommend you see a specialist at if you’ve been TTC for over a year. I’ve heard that after 30 your chances for twins increases, but that’s just what a friend told me sso I don’t know how reliable it is.
It took me 10 months to get pregnant the first time - I was 26. I miscarried this pregnancy at 10 weeks. It took me another 3 cycles to get pregnant with my first daughter (28), 2 cycles with my 2nd daughter (29), another two with my 3rd daughter (31), and it took only one try with my 4th (33).
There’s so much conflicting information out there… I think jessicat put it well, every woman and every pregnancy is different, and there are always exceptions! However, it is generally accepted that fertility begins to drop off in your late thirties, and that by 45 your changes of concieving with your own eggs are virtually nill. My SO and I just started TTC, and I’m forty. I’ve had a few very frank discussions with my midwife recently about our chances, what we need to do to increase them, etc. She told me that we were starting off with about a 50% less chance than we had ten years ago, but that nothing was set in stone and we could be suprised and end up pregnant our first try. (I’ll know in a few days!! :P) So hopefully, at your young and healthy age, and with a history of regular conception, you ought to be good to go.
I got pregnant in the 3 month with my DS on at 32, then it took over a year to get pregnant with my DD from age 34 to 35. I had just went to my first specialist appt when I found out I was already pregnant on my own. With my 3rd I got pregnant after 3 months at age 38 so nothing is that predictable. I think my DH agreed to the 3rd thinking “oh she’ll never get pregnant that easily” and we agreed no fertility treatments, if it was meant to be it would be. LOL.
I agree, I think it really depends on the woman, and the man. Sounds like you guys have had a breeze conceiving the first few times, so I doubt you’ll have much problems in your early 30’s either. They do say egg quality decreases every 5 years or so after 30 but this isn’t true with all women. Too many factors to consider or worry about. If you have any genuine concerns, contact your OB.
We conceived the first month, I am 27 and my husband is 28. If we have anymore children I’ll be 29 or 30, not sure if we’ll have more than 2 but I already made a personal decision to not have any children after 35 yrs of age. Nothing to do w/ conceiving or egg quality, but just a personal lifestyle decision.
I read an article awhile ago that said fertility starts to decline at 28 and is at about half by 35. It sounds like you’re pretty fertile, considering how quickly you got pregnant your first 3 tries so even if your fertility has declined some, I’d be surprised if it was difficult for you to get pregnant again. You’re still young enough that you’re not yet entering high-risk territory and plenty of women get pregnant in their early thirties, whether they’re trying to or not.
I wouldn’t get discouraged if you don’t get pregnant in the first month. I pulled this from babycenter.com:
Of all couples trying to conceive, here’s about how long it takes:
30 percent get pregnant the first cycle (about one month)
59 percent get pregnant within three cycles (about three months)
80 percent get pregnant within six cycles (about six months)
85 percent get pregnant within 12 cycles (about one year)
91 percent get pregnant within 36 cycles (about three years)
93 to 95 percent get pregnant within 48 cycles (about four years)
Good luck and hopefully you’ll have as much ease this time as in your previous tries!
I think kungfualex posted the most accurate info. You always hear that fertility declines after 35, but it’s really more of a nosedive at the point. Before that it’s a very slow descent beginning in your late 20s. I think no matter how easily you’ve conceived in the past, you should always be prepared for it to take a little longer the next time. I have many friends who conceived on the first try with the first, and then it took a year for the second.
That being said, I’ve conceived on the first cycle 4 times, beginning when I was 29, with the 4th pregnancy at 33. Yes, that’s 4 kids in 4 years.